
1. **活血化瘀**:红花具有活血化瘀的功效,能够改善血液循环,促进局部血液循环,有助于消除因血液循环不畅引起的各种症状。

2. **缓解疼痛**:红醋泡红花可以用于缓解肌肉疼痛、关节疼痛等症状。红醋具有渗透性,能够帮助红花的有效成分更好地渗透到皮肤和肌肉中,从而起到缓解疼痛的作用。


3. **促进伤口愈合**:红花中的有效成分能够促进局部血液循环,增加组织的氧气供应,有助于伤口的愈合。

4. **改善睡眠质量**:红醋泡红花对于改善睡眠质量有一定的帮助,因为红花能够活血化瘀,缓解因血液循环不畅引起的失眠症状。

5. **美容养颜**:红醋泡红花也被认为具有一定的美容养颜作用,因为它可以促进血液循环,改善皮肤的营养状况。



– 准备50克左右的红花和适量的红醋。
– 将红花放入纱布袋中,并扎紧袋口。
– 在锅中加入适量的水,放入红花袋,用大火煮开后转小火煮5至10分钟。
– 取出红花袋,将药汁倒入盆中,加入适量的红醋。
– 将盆中的水温调整至40至50摄氏度,然后泡脚30分钟左右。
– 每次泡脚后,可以适当按摩脚部,以促进红花和红醋的有效成分更好地吸收。




1. **促进消化与吸收**:山楂具有促进肠道蠕动的作用,能够帮助消化,改善消化不良和食欲不振的情况。

2. **缓解脾胃虚弱**:对于脾胃虚弱的人群,山楂甘草茶能够帮助健脾和胃,改善胃肠功能低下的问题。

3. **清热解毒**:甘草具有清热解毒的功效,能够缓解因体内热毒引起的口舌生疮等症状。

4. **润肺止咳**:山楂甘草茶对于秋冬季节干燥引起的肺气虚、咳嗽等症状有缓解作用。

5. **活血化瘀**:山楂和甘草都有活血化瘀的效果,对于体内有淤血的人群有益。

6. **降血糖、降血脂**:山楂和甘草都有一定的降血糖、降血脂作用,有助于维护心血管健康。

7. **调节血压**:山楂具有扩张外周血管的作用,有助于降血压。


8. **促进新陈代谢**:山楂有助于加快机体新陈代谢,起到一定的瘦身作用。

9. **收敛止血**:山楂具有收敛作用,能够止血,适合用于一些轻微的出血情况。

10. **保健作用**:山楂甘草茶可以作为日常保健茶饮,增强食欲,提高身体抵抗力。

– 山楂具有一定的酸性,肠胃敏感者饮用时可能引起不适,应适量。
– 山楂在生理期不建议食用,以免影响生理周期。
– 甘草虽然具有多种功效,但过量使用可能会引起副作用,因此也应适量饮用。



1. **清热解毒**:七叶草具有显著的清热解毒作用,适用于治疗因内热引起的各种症状,如喉咙肿痛、口腔溃疡等。

2. **消肿利尿**:七叶草具有消肿利尿的功效,对于泌尿系统疾病,如尿道炎、膀胱炎、尿道结石、膀胱结石等,具有一定的治疗作用。

3. **活血化瘀**:七叶草能活血化瘀,适用于治疗跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等症状。

4. **治疗内科疾病**:七叶草可用于治疗咳血、吐血、便血、心悸、失眠、多梦、胸闷、气短等内科疾病。

5. **缓解皮肤病**:七叶草对于湿疹、风疹、荨麻疹、带状疱疹、脚气、脚痒和脚癣等皮肤病有很好的缓解作用。

6. **抗菌消炎**:七叶草能抑制金黄色葡萄球菌、白色链球菌、伤寒杆菌、肠炎杆菌和痢疾杆菌等多种细菌,具有一定的抗菌消炎作用。





1. 营养丰富:羊睾丸含有较高的蛋白质和脂肪,这些成分对身体有补充营养的作用。适量食用可以增加身体的能量和营养摄入。

2. 补肾壮阳:在一些传统观念中,睾丸被认为具有补肾壮阳的效果。因此,有些人会食用羊睾丸以期望改善性功能。

3. 增强体力:由于羊睾丸含有丰富的营养成分,有些人认为食用后可以增强体力,提高运动能力。


1. 科学依据不足:目前,并没有确凿的科学证据表明羊睾丸对人体有特殊的保健作用。


2. 营养成分普通:羊睾丸中的蛋白质和脂肪与其他动物性食品相比并没有特别之处,其营养成分与其他部位动物性食品并无显著差异。

3. 摄入需适量:尽管羊睾丸的营养成分与普通动物性食品相似,但食用过量可能会导致营养过剩,对健康不利。

4. 注意食品安全:在购买和食用羊睾丸时,应确保其来源可靠,避免食品安全问题。





1. **增强免疫力**:绍兴黄酒中含有多种功能性低聚糖,如异麦芽糖、潘糖、异麦芽三糖等,能有效促进肠道双歧杆菌增殖,降低血清中的胆固醇及血脂水平,从而提高机体免疫力。

2. **美容养颜**:绍兴黄酒性温和,含有丰富的B族维生素,适量饮用可促进血液循环,具有补血和美容养颜的作用。

3. **预防疾病**:绍兴黄酒含有丰富的有机酸,适量饮用能有效预防多种疾病。

4. **增加记忆**:绍兴黄酒含有较丰富的γ-氨基丁酸,具有降血压、改善脑功能、增加记忆、镇静神经、提高肝、肾技能等多种生理活性。

5. **清除自由基**:黄酒含有多酚物质、类黑精、谷胱甘肽等多种生活性成分,具有清除自由基,防止心脑血管病、抗癌、抗衰老等多种生理功能。

6. **保护心脏**:绍兴黄酒含有丰富的微量元素,这些微量元素对预防心脑血管疾病的发生具有重要意义。


7. **药用价值**:绍兴黄酒有消食化积、镇静的作用,适合饮食方面有厌食消化不良、心跳过速、烦躁等症状的人饮用。

8. **减肥**:适量饮用绍兴黄酒具有减肥的功效,同时还能加速血液循环和新陈代谢。

9. **祛腥膻**:在烹饪油腻或海鲜及肉类食物时,加入适量的绍兴黄酒,可以使腥膻味的物质溶解于热酒精中,从而提升菜肴的香气。


This immortal Sect of Wan Fa is tantamount to being beaten.

How did that man plant magical powers to almost overthrow a huge sect with thousands of years’ experience, dozens of sacred places, hundreds of infants, nearly a thousand elixirs and thousands of ordinary brothers in one night?
Can the sect behind me withstand such an attack?
However, the extraterrestrial people threw a sealed cave world into the territory of Wanfa, and the evil spirits in the cave were born, which almost destroyed Wanfa Xianzong. This smell is even more bizarre
Isn’t it a fairy’s power to carry Mount Tai over the sea and be humble in mustard? After heaven and earth are cut off, who can …?
To seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is that human beings can dare to call people from outer space anyway. These four words are less and less, and they will be more secure if they refer to’ that person’ or’ that devil’ instead.
As far as the virtual water mirror is concerned, I’m not worried. I can get a picture of Lin Chong, but I’m too lazy to pay attention to it.
Hundreds of brothers who scattered all over Kunlun also withdrew from Zong Linchong, thinking of killing his department, but since Xu Junhu took the helm of Wan Faxian, it was not necessary.
If we can master the magic fairy Xu Junhu, he will definitely seek revenge on his parents for two cases, namely, calculation and state. Every extra point of his power and two fallen immortals will make him more troublesome.
Isn’t this the best ending of the war?
And a large number of people stationed in Kunlun Mountain before Wan Fa Xian Zong had already made extraterrestrials invisible in Kunlun, saying that they were secretly flowing in private.
Lin Chong’s virtual water mirror has seen such gossip several times, but he also knows that words are uncontrollable, so you don’t have to pay attention to stepping up your guard.
Anyway, there are a large array of eyes, a resident, and a poor forest holding a fairy sword and Fengyun two avenues to plant a thousand miles of Kunlun mountains. One baby will die, and the other will die.
If there is a mushroom missile greeting in the divine land.
Even at this moment, Xu Junhu can be called to help at the peak of Yuan God’s power.
Or spend more time to revive Lin Haoheng, who can spell Yuan Shen.
After twenty years’ journey, Lin Chong finally got a slightly stable residence, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Every time I plan to arrange these virtual water mirrors around me to check evil thoughts, protect thousands of miles with a large array of eyes, and see the truth with mushroom missiles …
But a big dream swept through thousands of low-level practitioners, and the forest of immortals was not good.
Even the Yuan God can spell a lose-lose peerless sword fairy Lin Haoheng.
The younger brother in the periphery is the Great Sage Xuanpeng, who has the power to break the law.
Far away, holding the blood-flaming magic man Xu Junhu of Wan Fa Xian Zong-this nickname is Lin Chong’s aversion to Lin Biao.
Thinking about these Lin Chong always feels like a squirrel.
It’s really satisfying
On the morning of the third day after the war, Lin Chong was wearing a robe and holding a cup of black mushroom coffee. He was half outside the plane wall, sipping black mushroom coffee while smoking the cold air on the top of Kunlun Mountain, which was still familiar with washing powder.
This black mushroom coffee was an indispensable life for Lin Chong every day for the first three years.
Three thousand mushrooms in three years. Three thousand Dongfeng mushrooms. How did this happen? Didn’t Lin Chong "pour" and "control" one by one, one by one and one by one?
If it weren’t for the hatred between the enemy and the country, especially Lin’s carelessness, he would have to take revenge and the sense of crisis that the otaku was stuck at the door of the base, Lin Chong felt it was difficult to persist.
Now I can finally have a rest.
Lin Chong feels that he needs to rest for a few days, not a few months or six months.
At this moment, he suddenly felt the itch of his heel. Looking back, he saw a few small yellow mushrooms on the wall of the plane, which could reach the height of his heel.
Lin Chong shrank into the wall when she heard a’ twittering’ cry.
It’s pretty neat
Others don’t understand Lin Chong, but they are very white.
They are shouting together.
"Is Five Blessingg completely destroyed?"
"Is the road to the eye of the law completed?"
"Is the holy demon Dan on the ninth floor?"
"Is the range of mushroom missiles true?"
"You want to die from the people of the country!"
Lin Chong sighed. In addition to the above reasons, he was able to complete the achievements of ascetic monks in the first three years, and he also contributed to the mushroom people who were included in the’ alarm clock’ team.
Set one thing for them and you will wake up repeatedly in your ear until you haven’t stopped working, unless you finish your work. Lin Chong has been almost deaf by them for three years.
"I have a holiday. I have a few days off. I have crossed it. There is no need to keep going to 996, right?" Lin chong discussed with them.
The alarm clock mushroom suddenly became very scared, and continued to yell and scream, and took a toothpick and stabbed himself …

A Bi Avenue "Brother Wang Yue! Soy sauce benefits but to the whole Wang Jiacun and Suzhou officials and even the court, if the soy sauce formula is handed over to Suzhou officials and the court, it will not be agreed, and even Wang Jiacun will be disappointed with Wang Yue’s brother. "

Wang Yue smiled confidently. "No, if they really don’t promise, I will compensate them. The recipe for making money here is not soy sauce and spiced seasoning."
"What do you think, Master Joe?" Wang Yue looked at Qiao Feng and asked.
Kang Min felt distressed when she heard that Wang Yue was going to hand over the soy sauce formula to the Beggars’ Sect. She and Wang Yueyou had the skin to recognize themselves as Wang Yue’s women, and Wang Yue’s wealth was naturally that she was going to hand over the soy sauce formula, which made her happy?
Qiao Feng is also a thrill. Although the Beggars’ Guild is known as the largest gang in the world and enjoys the same reputation as Shaolin Temple, the Beggars’ Guild is large in number and spends a lot of money on food and clothing. Although it is a beggar gang, it is impossible to beg. After all, begging can’t maintain such a huge organization.
Just as Qiao Feng was about to promise, Kang Minyin came, "Even if Wang Yue’s brother is looking for something rare, even if there are many beggars, he may not be able to find precious medicinal materials, but it depends on luck. If he doesn’t find medicinal materials, he will get a soy sauce formula and go out to the Jianghu, even if it will damage the reputation of our beggar. Please think twice."
Qiao Feng nodded. "Your wife said yes, Brother Wang Yue. Although your conditions are very attractive, I, Qiao Feng, wouldn’t want your soy sauce formula if I didn’t find Ziyang Bamboo."
Wang Yue fuels, "Joe Wang’s reputation is still trustworthy."
Wang Yue took out the picture of Ziyang bamboo, which was painted by Wang Yue himself according to Xue Muhua’s description. The picture is very detailed and is not much different from black and white photos.
"This is the Ziyang bamboo sample. If Wang Qiao finds a letter to Suzhou, I will come. Then the soy sauce formula will be presented with both hands." Wang Yue handed the picture to Qiao Feng.
Qiao Feng nodded and smiled. "Well, then it’s a deal. I will definitely let my Beggars’ millions help you pay attention to Ziyang Bamboo."
The ancients talked about credibility, and people in Jianghu regarded credibility more important than life.
Wang Yue and Qiao Fenggen did not sign a contract, but an oral agreement.
"In that case, Wang Yue will leave. When I return to Suzhou, I will have someone send 100,000 taels of silver to the Beggars’ Sect. After all, I can’t let the Beggars’ brothers contribute in vain," Wang Yue said.
Qiao Feng didn’t refuse to nod. "Then thank you Wang Yue brothers."
Wang Yue will send 100,000 taels of silver to the Beggars’ Sect, which makes the people in the Beggars’ Sect very happy, but they have never seen so much money.
In the eyes of everyone in the Beggars’ Sect, Wang Yue is really a good man, and he has already paid for it before he has done it.
Wang Yue took A Bi by the hand and was about to leave.
"Wang Yue brothers wait" Kang Min came forward and looked at Wang Yue.
Wang Yue gave Kang Min a dull look as if nothing had happened last night. "I wonder if Mrs. Ma has something to do?"
Kang Min looked at the blue eyes filled with jealousy. This little girl is not as beautiful as herself. Was she actually held hands by Wang Yue?
"This girl is your confidante Wang Yue, right?" Kang Min looked at A Bi and laughed. "Girl, you are really blessed."
A Bi laughed. "My daughter A Bi has seen Mrs. Ma."
Wang Yue frowned and said, "Mrs. Ma has something to say, or I’ll have to leave."
Kang Min is close to Wang Yue’s ear trail. "Yue Lang, if you want to find Ziyang Bamboo Nujia, you will know where you have to promise to marry me and I will tell you."
Wang Yue sneered, "Mrs. Ma is really joking and leaving."
"A Bi, let’s go" Wang Yue took A Bi’s hand and left Xinglin.
Kang Min’s eyes showed anger in his heart. "Wang Yue wants you to want your father to recover from his illness. You will come to me sooner or later."
Kang Min was ambiguous when talking to Wang Yue. Except for a few people such as Bai Shijing Guanqing, who knew that Kang Min was a woman of Wang Yue, others didn’t know what secret it was to recognize Kang Min and Wang Yue. It was inconvenient for people to hear him. After all, Wang Yue Kangmin met for the first time, no one would believe that they had men and women.
Bao Butong looked at Wang Yue and A Bi from the trail. "This Wang Yue is really generous. At first, it is 100,000 taels of silver. We and Gongye tried our best to get more than 200 taels of silver in recent years."

Thought of here, Yu Guihai will retreat when his front foot is raised.

Suddenly, there was a sense of danger in his heart, and it seemed that his life would be in danger immediately if he stepped back.
"What’s the matter? What can’t go back? "
Yu Gui’s eyes turned back and forth in fear and looked around warily.
Everything in the cave is as usual, except for the stone platform beetle and those two people, and there is nothing unusual.
Yu Guihai then tried twice and found that he is now like a pawn crossing the river who can move forward but can’t retreat.
At this time, he also knew that the two men had gone all the way forward, even without the beetle.
Understand the situation, Yu Guihai made up his mind.
He will also go forward to get the golden beetle.
The rules in this cave are weird. You can move forward, regardless of who made the rules. It must be intentional to let people in.
And the only anomaly ahead is the golden beetle.
Obviously, this golden beetle is the key. Maybe the first person who gets the beetle can walk out of the cave alive, and everyone else will die.
Thought of here, Yu Guihai riveted his strength and walked forward.
One step, two steps and three steps …
The more I move forward, the greater the pressure I feel.
The two men in front are under greater pressure because they are too far ahead, so they return to the sea and slowly chase after them.
However, as he goes forward, the pressure is getting slower and slower.
Later, it took him a quarter of an hour to take every step, and the two men in front of him took a full hour to take a step, which was much slower than the tortoise.
After this journey, I returned to the sea and finally found out the strange pressure effect.
The strange pressure in the cave locks all the energy in the body, and everyone can move with pure physical strength.
But this pressure not only tests the body, but also tests the spiritual will
At this time, Yu Guihai’s body is strong, his spirit is strong and his will is tenacious, showing his advantages.
He also took many basic techniques and forging techniques, and at the same time, he also took both immortal and martial arts. His body has already been tempered to an extremely vigorous degree, and his body is far more powerful than ordinary monks of the same rank.
His spirit is even stronger, reaching a certain limit, which is by no means comparable to that of ordinary strong people of the same order.
Although Fan She and Snake Sou are one with strange strength and the other with great strength, their mental will and physical strength are not equal to returning to the sea.
All I can see is that Yu Guihai is very slow, but step by step, he is determined to catch up with them.
The snake is a little stronger than Fan She, because he came in a lot later, but he has already caught up with Fan She, just one position behind him, so it will be flat, and it will not be a problem to catch up with the past before reaching the stone stage.
So his heart is full of hope.
"Holy insect is me! Ha ha ha! " The snake is ecstatic in its heart.
At this time, Fei extravagant heart is anxious than he didn’t expect this snake barbary to suddenly come in from the outside, and he didn’t expect this person to be so powerful in this cave that the speed is faster than himself.
"What can this bastard break away from the magic circle of the Nine Spirits Lock?" Fan Shexin doubts.

Hoo ~ ~ ~

Black gas retreated, and the huge snakehead dashed out, biting Yu Guihai again.
Yu Guihai’s eyes flashed with folded arms.
Chapter 191 Thunder slay
Yu Guihai’s body dodged the snake’s head and struck the long staff of bones in his hand, and the yin fire surged out toward the snake demon’s big eyes.
The snake demon never dodged when he was castrated, and a flash of black gas emerged from his eyes to form a dustpan-sized scale to protect his head.
Poof ~ ~
A light sound of a long staff of white bones was blocked by black scales and shook violently.
Followed by a white light maser and instantaneous in black gas scales.
Bang ~ ~ ~
There was a loud noise, and the white light burst into a dark fire, and the scales of black gas crashed and smashed, and the pale, dark fire and black gas exploded.
As soon as the snake’s eyelids closed, it blocked the scattered yin fire without any damage.
At this time, the serpent has already reacted, and its huge body will gently twist and retreat.
Just then, a piercing scream suddenly came.
Cheep ~ ~ ~ ~
See a white light from Yu Guihai hand shot immediately came to the front of the serpent head.
This white light is too fast for it to escape.
But the serpent is not afraid of a banter in his eyes, and a black gas quickly emerges from the skin and condenses rapidly outside the scales of the white light.
Pa ~ ~ ~
A light white light hits the scales and the roots are broken.
When the serpent was puzzled, he saw a black light lashing out from the white debris and instantly penetrated the black gas scale and shot into its head.
Boom ~ ~ ~
The serpent felt that his head was hit with a heavy hammer, and his mind was stagnant for a while, and he was shocked. The whole snake was frozen on the spot.
Soul charm!
Yu Guihai will display a soul charm in his hand to subdue the serpent.
Yu Guihai’s mouth is full of mysterious aura, which runs rapidly and flows into his long staff like a waterfall.
The long staff in his hand shone brightly and instantly changed its form.
The thick bones are connected together for more than two meters, and a tattered triangle is painted on the side with a huge skull with two horns.
A gray light gathered from the banner, and the huge skull with two horns suddenly opened its mouth and a thick gray light beam was lasered out.
At this time, the serpent earned the soul charm, but he saw that a gray-white light beam containing the smell of destruction had come to his eyes, and his eyes could not help showing a trace of despair.
Poof ~ ~ ~
A light gray-white light beam directly penetrated from the giant snake’s forehead, leaving a huge blood hole covered with a layer of ice.
Boom ~ ~ ~
The serpent’s head fell heavily on the ground and his body was still twitching and twisting.
Yu Guihai gently landed in front of the dead snake demon.
This time, he is not easy to take advantage of the impact of the snake demon to seize the flaw and use thunder to quickly kill it.
Not only did he consume a Yin-fire symbol and a soul-killing symbol, but he also spurred the Yin-fire skeleton banner. Now, he has consumed most of his mysterious aura, the strongest power.
But that’s what masters do.
To the death, no one will hide anything to seize the flaw and immediately do everything possible to kill the enemy.
This giant snake obviously doesn’t know this truth, but it has died tragically in Yu Guihai before its strength of the earth has been brought into full play.
When the snake demon dies, its black gas is scattered all over the body, and many black ghosts make a piercing cry when the virtual yin gas is scattered.
These ghosts have been refined by the snake demon, which can be regarded as a part of the snake demon. Their lives are linked, and they can’t live alone if the snake demon dies.
"What a pity!"
Enlightenment red head out a face of regret looking at those ghosts and said
"Don’t worry, you can eat!"
Yu Guihai smiled and walked beside the snake demon. Now the giant snake finally shows its face.

This is indeed pure death water, which is full of extreme death breath with a hint of palm power.

After drinking this water, it is absolutely rare to be able to live in the palm of your hand.
But Yu Guihai is not afraid of his strength, which has reached the level of palm territory. This is just the harm of death.
He picked up the jet lamp and gulped it down, then turned to the gate of Shidian with the floating ring.
Just walked straight in and disappeared into the door in an instant!
Chapter 122 Channel, Monster, Gudan, Life, True Blood
The breath of death churns in the belly, and if it is released, it can kill one world.
However, a white tide came in from all directions and immediately dispersed and diluted the rich black water, and soon it was never seen again.
A series of emerald brilliance gushed from the ring with waves.
That ring is like connecting some life, and it seems to be full of vitality.
This kind of vitality is a good thing, and it is not a problem to let the dying old man return to his prime and work hard for a hundred years.
However, it is not a good thing once there are too many good things. This powerful vitality is as vast as the sea, and even if it is powerful, life will be assimilated and integrated into this vitality trend and completely fall.
However, the earth is easier than the flesh to resist the erosion of this huge vitality, and it enters the body along the virtual channel. At the end of the body, there is no margin. The terror of the Wang Yang sea is condensed into a heavy white liquid and rolled endlessly
The tide of vitality flows into it, just like a river flowing into the sea, and soon disappears into it completely.
Yu Guihai walked gently into the sea. Without any waves, he was swallowed up by the terrorist Daoyuan and digested into his life and death avenue to grow nutrients.
He is in a place where he can’t see the exit passage, and the walls are dark, so he can’t see the same stone walls on the left and right. He has tried that there is no concept of gravity here, and he can walk on either stone wall at will.
If you can’t see three meters ahead, it’s dark, and you can’t see anything. It seems that he walked over to the front channel to form a general.
From the outside, the stone hall is small, but it has such a long passage, which has a kind of abstruse prohibition
This kind of prohibition can’t be seen through for the time being. It’s not an ordinary sumeru means, but a more advanced method, and there should be powerful illusion integrated into it
Makes Yu Guihai have to sigh that the means here are really extraordinary.
Yu Guihai walked for a long time and I don’t know how far he walked. Suddenly a monster appeared in front of him.
This is a strange monster whose body is like a ball, and there are several golden spikes around it, which keep expanding and contracting, just like the radiant sun in a child’s painting.
Suddenly, the monster seems to have sensed something. The spikes in front reveal a face of Zhang Yuanyuan, eyes closed, and a breath of earth rises.
"What is this?"
Yu Gui’s strange look on the sea surface is really a little child’s play, but the breath is not weak, which exceeds the peak of the ordinary palm road. How can there be such a strange thing?
The monster suddenly opened his eyes and showed a pair of golden eyeballs. He looked at Yu Guihai with dribbling eyes and said, "Young and strong, this is the first assessment of Yin refining division. If you answer my question correctly, I will let you go."
"No need!"
Yu Guihai interrupted the monster lightly. He didn’t know whether the monster was the first in the assessment, but he knew that it was definitely not a good thing. He didn’t answer the question.
"Please listen to the question what …"
Monster slightly one leng and then some continued
"listen to a fart!"
Yu Guihai punched out as fast as thunder.
The monster caught off guard and was directly blasted in the middle of the face.
Snow ~ ~ ~
Monsters are directly blown up like balloons, and black gas bursts out of it. Yin cold is more horrible than the whole channel, and it is extremely cold.
No one thought that it looks like the sun outside, and there is such a thick yin in the east and west.
"Wow ~ ~ ~"
The monster didn’t die, and it was dark, and it formed a ferocious human form and let out a piercing cry.
Wailing is like magic sound pouring into the ear, which can pass through Daoyuan and physical protection and go straight into the sea of knowledge from all sides.
"What a noise!"
Yu Guihai impatiently held out his hand, and a white flame of terror spewed out, and in an instant a huge light array was formed, trapping black people in it.
Terrorist fire launched the black gas and then quickly disappeared.
To deal with this yin and cold force, we still have to move the extreme yang force.
Black gas humanoid croaked and burned, and a layer of light white ash spilled on the ground.
Yu Guihai reached out and grabbed all the white ashes and gathered into a ball and fell into his hand.
"What is this?"
Yu GUI’s sea surface is exposed to different colors
There is a small pile of this white ash that contains a strange power. Although I don’t know the way, he guessed that it should be a special spiritual material.
Yu Guihai observed it for a while, then took out a bottle, filled it and imprisoned it, and then put it away.
He checked around and found nothing unusual, so he moved on. The dark passage was still ahead.
After walking for a while, another monster appeared in front, but it was a crescent moon with a silver-gray lunar star very similar.
Gollum ~ ~ ~ There was a loud noise, and the monster exposed his five senses to form a shoehorn face.
"Young and strong, this is the second assessment of Yin refining division. If you answer my question right, I will let you go."
"Go to hell!"
Rumble ~ ~ ~
Yu Guihai smashed this monster with one punch, and it also turned into a rolling cold and black gas, and then it was burned into white ash by his extreme yang, and he bottled it up in another bottle.
Then he went all the way and met similar monsters. These monsters have little difference in strength, and I don’t know what’s the point of arranging them here.
After slaying the tenth monster, Yu Guihai didn’t meet the monster again, but came to a square room at the end of the passage.
The four walls of the room are the same as the dark stone walls. In the middle of the room, there is a stone platform with three things on it.