
1. **祛风胜湿**:络络通具有祛除体内风邪和湿邪的作用,适用于因风、寒、湿三邪侵袭而引起的各种症状,如关节疼痛、肌肉酸痛等。

2. **舒筋活络**:药方中的成分可以促进筋脉的舒展和活络,有助于缓解肌肉紧张、关节僵硬等症状。

3. **活血化疲**:通过活血化瘀,络络通有助于改善血液循环,消除疲劳,适用于气虚血瘀、经络不通等情况。


4. **消肿止痛**:对于关节肿胀、疼痛等症状,络络通具有一定的消肿止痛作用。


5. **解热镇痛**:络络通具有解热镇痛的药理作用,适用于因外感风邪引起的发热、头痛等症状。

6. **抗风湿、抗血栓形成**:络络通中的某些成分具有抗风湿和抗血栓形成的功效,适用于风湿性关节炎、血栓形成等疾病。

7. **临床应用**:络络通在临床中常用于治疗腰肌劳损、坐骨神经痛、风湿性关节炎、肥大性关节炎、增生性关节炎等疾病。

8. **注意事项**:虽然络络通具有多种药效,但在使用时仍需注意以下事项:
– 孕妇忌服:由于络络通具有一定的药效,孕妇在服用前应咨询医生。
– 个体差异:不同个体的体质和病情不同,药效表现可能有所差异。



1. **润肺止咳**:百合具有润肺养阴的功效,可以缓解因肺燥引起的咳嗽和痰多症状。

2. **健脾养胃**:山药和莲子都有健脾养胃的作用,有助于改善消化不良、食欲不振等问题。

3. **宁心安神**:莲子富含多种营养素,有助于安定心神,对于失眠、心悸等症状有缓解作用。


4. **润肠通便**:山药和百合中含有的纤维素能够促进肠道蠕动,有助于改善便秘。

5. **补气养血**:莲子具有补气补血的作用,对于气血两虚的人群有很好的调理效果。

6. **增强免疫力**:山药和百合含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,能够增强人体的抵抗力。

7. **预防肥胖**:山药和百合的摄入有助于控制体重,预防肥胖。

8. **壮骨强身**:山药中含有的营养成分有助于骨骼健康。

9. **保护心血管**:山药和百合中的一些成分有助于保护心血管系统。

10. **改善心血管疾病**:莲子中的某些成分可能对心血管疾病有辅助治疗作用。



1. **药用价值**:
– **清热利湿**:凤尾蕨具有清热利湿的功效,可用于治疗咽喉肿痛、黄疸、风湿骨痛等症状。
– **活血消肿**:它还能活血消肿,对于跌打损伤、瘀血等有一定的疗效。
– **止血解毒**:据《福建民间草药》等文献记载,凤尾草还可以凉血止血,用于治疗吐血、衄血、便血等。
– **修复砷污染土壤**:研究表明,凤尾蕨能够修复砷污染的土壤,具有一定的环保作用。

2. **观赏价值**:
– **形态优美**:凤尾蕨的叶片披拂,具有独特的羽状复生形态,观赏价值高。
– **适应性强**:它可以在多种环境中生长,无论是潮湿地带还是干旱地区,都表现出良好的适应性。
– **易于养护**:凤尾蕨生长速度快,易于养护,是室内外绿化的理想选择。

3. **环境净化**:
– **吸收重金属**:凤尾蕨能够吸收土壤中的砷、铅等重金属物质,起到净化环境的作用。
– **改善空气质量**:作为绿色植物,凤尾蕨能够吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,改善空气质量。

4. **其他用途**:
– **食用**:嫩叶可食,称为蕨菜,具有一定的营养价值。
– **装饰**:凤尾蕨的叶片可以用于插花,增添艺术气息。





1. **活血调经**:中医认为月季花味甘、性温,入肝经,具有活血调经的功效。对于月经不调、痛经等症状有显著疗效。月季花能够活血化瘀,缓解经行腹痛。

2. **消肿解毒**:月季花有消肿解毒的作用,可用于治疗跌打损伤、血瘀肿痛、痈疽肿毒等症。外用捣敷肿毒,能够消肿止痛。

3. **改善呼吸系统**:月季花具有清肺火、止咳、止血止痛的功效,可用于治疗肺虚咳嗽、咯血等症状。

4. **抗真菌作用**:月季花含有挥发油,主要成分具有抗真菌作用,对于皮肤真菌感染有一定的治疗效果。


5. **护肤美容**:月季花泡水饮用,有美容润肤的效果。月季花茶可改善肤色暗黄,提亮肤色,对于女性来说,是一种天然的美容饮品。

6. **调理肠胃**:月季花还具有通经活血化瘀、清肠胃湿热的作用,对于肠胃不适、消化不良等症状有一定的改善作用。

7. **改善肝气不舒**:月季花能够疏肝解郁,对于肝气不舒、气血失调、经脉瘀阻不畅等症有缓解作用。

8. **促进血液循环**:月季花有活血调经的作用,可推动血液循环系统,提高血容量和结缔组织的基础代谢,降低血细胞凝固,对调理血液浓稠有一定的作用。



1. **养生保健作用**:苹果酒中的果酸、维生素和矿物质等营养成分有助于养生保健。适量饮用苹果酒,可以促进新陈代谢,增强体质。

2. **抗氧化作用**:苹果酒中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如多酚和黄酮类化合物,这些物质可以帮助清除体内的自由基,减少氧化应激,从而降低心血管疾病和癌症的风险。

3. **改善消化系统**:苹果酒中的果酸和纤维素可以促进胃肠道蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘。同时,果酒中的酒精成分还能刺激胃液分泌,有助于消化。


4. **调节血糖**:苹果酒中的果酸有助于调节血糖水平,对于预防糖尿病有一定的积极作用。

5. **促进血液循环**:适量饮用苹果酒可以扩张血管,促进血液循环,有助于降低高血压和心血管疾病的风险。

6. **增强免疫力**:苹果酒中的多种维生素和矿物质有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

7. **美容养颜**:苹果酒中的抗氧化物质和维生素C有助于延缓衰老,保持皮肤弹性,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

8. **缓解疲劳**:苹果酒中的酒精成分可以放松身心,缓解疲劳,有助于改善睡眠质量。


– **适量饮用**:建议每天饮用量不超过一小杯(约100毫升)。
– **选择优质苹果酒**:优质苹果酒通常含有更多营养成分,口感也更为醇厚。
– **避免空腹饮用**:空腹饮酒容易刺激胃黏膜,建议搭配食物饮用。
– **注意酒精过敏**:对酒精过敏的人群应避免饮用苹果酒。



1. 营养丰富:羊睾丸含有较高的蛋白质和脂肪,这些成分对身体有补充营养的作用。适量食用可以增加身体的能量和营养摄入。

2. 补肾壮阳:在一些传统观念中,睾丸被认为具有补肾壮阳的效果。因此,有些人会食用羊睾丸以期望改善性功能。

3. 增强体力:由于羊睾丸含有丰富的营养成分,有些人认为食用后可以增强体力,提高运动能力。


1. 科学依据不足:目前,并没有确凿的科学证据表明羊睾丸对人体有特殊的保健作用。


2. 营养成分普通:羊睾丸中的蛋白质和脂肪与其他动物性食品相比并没有特别之处,其营养成分与其他部位动物性食品并无显著差异。

3. 摄入需适量:尽管羊睾丸的营养成分与普通动物性食品相似,但食用过量可能会导致营养过剩,对健康不利。

4. 注意食品安全:在购买和食用羊睾丸时,应确保其来源可靠,避免食品安全问题。



This immortal Sect of Wan Fa is tantamount to being beaten.

How did that man plant magical powers to almost overthrow a huge sect with thousands of years’ experience, dozens of sacred places, hundreds of infants, nearly a thousand elixirs and thousands of ordinary brothers in one night?
Can the sect behind me withstand such an attack?
However, the extraterrestrial people threw a sealed cave world into the territory of Wanfa, and the evil spirits in the cave were born, which almost destroyed Wanfa Xianzong. This smell is even more bizarre
Isn’t it a fairy’s power to carry Mount Tai over the sea and be humble in mustard? After heaven and earth are cut off, who can …?
To seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is that human beings can dare to call people from outer space anyway. These four words are less and less, and they will be more secure if they refer to’ that person’ or’ that devil’ instead.
As far as the virtual water mirror is concerned, I’m not worried. I can get a picture of Lin Chong, but I’m too lazy to pay attention to it.
Hundreds of brothers who scattered all over Kunlun also withdrew from Zong Linchong, thinking of killing his department, but since Xu Junhu took the helm of Wan Faxian, it was not necessary.
If we can master the magic fairy Xu Junhu, he will definitely seek revenge on his parents for two cases, namely, calculation and state. Every extra point of his power and two fallen immortals will make him more troublesome.
Isn’t this the best ending of the war?
And a large number of people stationed in Kunlun Mountain before Wan Fa Xian Zong had already made extraterrestrials invisible in Kunlun, saying that they were secretly flowing in private.
Lin Chong’s virtual water mirror has seen such gossip several times, but he also knows that words are uncontrollable, so you don’t have to pay attention to stepping up your guard.
Anyway, there are a large array of eyes, a resident, and a poor forest holding a fairy sword and Fengyun two avenues to plant a thousand miles of Kunlun mountains. One baby will die, and the other will die.
If there is a mushroom missile greeting in the divine land.
Even at this moment, Xu Junhu can be called to help at the peak of Yuan God’s power.
Or spend more time to revive Lin Haoheng, who can spell Yuan Shen.
After twenty years’ journey, Lin Chong finally got a slightly stable residence, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Every time I plan to arrange these virtual water mirrors around me to check evil thoughts, protect thousands of miles with a large array of eyes, and see the truth with mushroom missiles …
But a big dream swept through thousands of low-level practitioners, and the forest of immortals was not good.
Even the Yuan God can spell a lose-lose peerless sword fairy Lin Haoheng.
The younger brother in the periphery is the Great Sage Xuanpeng, who has the power to break the law.
Far away, holding the blood-flaming magic man Xu Junhu of Wan Fa Xian Zong-this nickname is Lin Chong’s aversion to Lin Biao.
Thinking about these Lin Chong always feels like a squirrel.
It’s really satisfying
On the morning of the third day after the war, Lin Chong was wearing a robe and holding a cup of black mushroom coffee. He was half outside the plane wall, sipping black mushroom coffee while smoking the cold air on the top of Kunlun Mountain, which was still familiar with washing powder.
This black mushroom coffee was an indispensable life for Lin Chong every day for the first three years.
Three thousand mushrooms in three years. Three thousand Dongfeng mushrooms. How did this happen? Didn’t Lin Chong "pour" and "control" one by one, one by one and one by one?
If it weren’t for the hatred between the enemy and the country, especially Lin’s carelessness, he would have to take revenge and the sense of crisis that the otaku was stuck at the door of the base, Lin Chong felt it was difficult to persist.
Now I can finally have a rest.
Lin Chong feels that he needs to rest for a few days, not a few months or six months.
At this moment, he suddenly felt the itch of his heel. Looking back, he saw a few small yellow mushrooms on the wall of the plane, which could reach the height of his heel.
Lin Chong shrank into the wall when she heard a’ twittering’ cry.
It’s pretty neat
Others don’t understand Lin Chong, but they are very white.
They are shouting together.
"Is Five Blessingg completely destroyed?"
"Is the road to the eye of the law completed?"
"Is the holy demon Dan on the ninth floor?"
"Is the range of mushroom missiles true?"
"You want to die from the people of the country!"
Lin Chong sighed. In addition to the above reasons, he was able to complete the achievements of ascetic monks in the first three years, and he also contributed to the mushroom people who were included in the’ alarm clock’ team.
Set one thing for them and you will wake up repeatedly in your ear until you haven’t stopped working, unless you finish your work. Lin Chong has been almost deaf by them for three years.
"I have a holiday. I have a few days off. I have crossed it. There is no need to keep going to 996, right?" Lin chong discussed with them.
The alarm clock mushroom suddenly became very scared, and continued to yell and scream, and took a toothpick and stabbed himself …


Barney suddenly reached out and pulled out the automatic rifle from the car and shouted "War! )”
Chapter 71 Fall to the ground and shoot
Barney yelled at each other just now and greeted each other warmly. Two armed men flashed their guns.
"Dadada …!"
The other party is ready to take the lead in the fire, and the main attack is Qin Yu’s car
Qin Yu’s cart door bent down and jumped to fight back with a gun.
"Visoba Oba, cover in front!" Barney leaned against the car, hugging the fire and directing his own motorcade in his mother tongue.
The rear two pickup trucks stopped the way directly before the abrupt.
"Qin retreat retreat!" Barney squatted behind the car and kept waving his long, thin black arms and shouted at Qin Yu and others
Qin Yu dragged Xiao Bai from the bucket and growled, "Go to the back car."
On the side of the road, when most people were running back under the cover of the cat’s waist, only Ye Xiao and Qi Linka did not move at the front point.
"Oh, God, you two are damn deaf!" Barney knew that the two men were also the leaders of Qin Yu’s side, and immediately shouted sharply, "Retreat!"
Ye Xiao turned around and made a gesture of forbidding. He turned his head and shouted at Qin Yu, "The car missed and we were stared at."
Qin Yu bent down and squatted behind the car steel plate and nodded and replied, "It must have been stared."
"If we don’t get to the city, we’ll get a discount." Brother Xiao was awake concisely.
Qin Yu Zheng, "What do you mean, Brother Xiao?"
Ye Xiao stretched out his hand and pointed to the front. "Less than 20 people let Barney top it. We will know everything if we press two Chinese in the past, otherwise we can’t get rid of them. It’s meaningless for us to go to the second district. It will always leak."
Brother Xiao’s thinking is not the same as that of Qin Yu and Qi Lin. He is well-known in the vicinity of the three major areas. Before Lao Lei joined Qin Yu’s team, he did this kind of work of licking blood with a knife edge. He was naturally experienced, reacted amazingly, and was not short of decisive and enterprising at all times.
Qin Yu listened to Brother Xiao’s words and completely reacted "to do it"
"Rhubarb five cover" Ye Xiao shouted a back.
Qin Yu raised his arm and shouted "Barney!"
Barney, turn around
Qin Yu stared at him with a thumbs-up and pointed to the opposite direction.
Barney froze. "Oh, my God, you’re crazy."
"Fair!" Qin Yuhan
"More money, more money," Barney shouted, flustered and dodging the bullet.
When Qin Yu saw that he had a response, he immediately pulled the automatic rifle bolt and rushed to Qi Lin and shouted "Get ready to do it."
Qi Lin pulled his backpack out of the bucket and put it on his chest "dry"
"Fuck you, I’ll let you follow." Qin Yu suddenly got up and "Fuck him!"

"This ancient beast is like Haidong Qing, who is going to be tempered for a long time and constantly erase his will."

Jade Duxiu side suddenly remind of whispers.
"Huh?" Jade Duxiu raised her eyebrows and looked at the sound source in surprise. "How did you get out? You can actually get out of my palm?"
Jade Duxiu looked at the round jade bodhi old zu in surprise.
Jade bodhi old zu is still the size of a basketball, and his eyes and mouth are virtual and old-fashioned around Jade Duxiu. "Hum, bodhi old zu, my ancient way was suppressed by the immortal who was away from the dust. If that old guy hadn’t stopped me from becoming a bodhi old zu, I might have been called an immortal."
Speaking of which, the jade bodhi old zu was annoyed.
Jade Duxiu took a deep look at the jade bodhi old zu. This old guy is hidden deep enough. Gan Kun in his palm can actually come in and out at will.
Gankun in the palm is not the world in the palm.
The world in the palm of your hand is Yu Duxiu’s innate magical power to create the world. In the palm of your hand, Gan Kun is the world in the palm of your hand and projected out of the world.
"Does the bodhi old zu want to follow in the future?" Jade Duxiu turned his attention to the bodhi old zu of jade.
Jade bodhi old zu took a look at the palace where Jade Duxiu was located, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "The cave is actually a cave. You are really busy, bodhi old zu. You actually got a cave when I took a nap."
God god said on the jade bodhi old zu toward the jade show "where to go? Nature is with you. You have a lot of treasures now, which just helps the bodhi old zu to survive three disasters. I have millions of years to accumulate and naturally I can reach the sky in one step. "
Speaking of this, the jade bodhi old zu conjured up a pair of eyes and looked at Jade Duxiu going round and round. "It’s good that you are young, and you have survived the thunderstorm and typhoon in just a hundred years. It’s good that if you help the bodhi old zu to avoid the three disasters, you will be indispensable."
Seeing this jade bodhi old zu didn’t leave, Jade Duxiu breathed a sigh of relief. This jade bodhi old zu knows a lot of secrets, but he can’t let it go easily. If this old guy insists on going, Jade Duxiu is hard to suppress by thunder.
Chapter 432 Divination furnace gold body jade talk quasi fairy.
Jade Duxiu smiles and looks at the jade bodhi old zu with a smile in his eyes. "If the bodhi old zu is willing to stay here and say the three disasters, it will be handed over to the seat."
Looking at Jade Duxiu patting his chest and making sure that the jade bodhi old zu is secretly humming, "The bodhi old zu knows that you are so secretive, even if you want to leave, it’s too late. It’s strange that you are willing to let me leave. Now that the thief boat can go all the way to black."
So thinking about the jade bodhi old zu said, "That’s good, that’s better than some days. I’m going to Du Jie, and you and I are going to prepare."
Jade Duxiu nodded and acquiesced that the jade bodhi old zu came out of the illusion and wandered around the hall and then returned to Jade Duxiu’s side. "It’s amazing that you can find such a blessed land as Fuyuan."
Said the magic out big eyes going round and round rotation "bodhi old zu in your body smelled a lot of obscure qi machine you little treasure a lot"
"What does the bodhi old zu want to do?" Jade Duxiu said with a smile
"Ahem" is just talk. Jade bodhi old zu smiled and turned around and sat cross-legged to absorb this virtual qi activity.
After a day like this, the second day, Jade Duxiu’s magic works, wrapped in jade, and Sun Chi, the old ancestor, came to a spacious place in Biyou Cave. "This is where the scenery is just right for you to break through the golden body."
When he said this, he saw that Jade Duxiu’s palm threw a divination furnace in front of him, and the flames rose from the furnace, and the divination furnace breathed three meters.
Looking at the burning fierce and terrible divination furnace, Sun Chi consciously licked his lips. "Lord, you should not want to throw me into this divination furnace. bar owners Sanwei Shenhuo Weineng is absolutely not a villain to resist."
"This divination furnace is divided into two parts. This divination furnace has a fierce flame. Of course, I know that this flame is definitely not something you can resist." Jade Duxiu took a white look at Sun Chi. "Although the flame in this divination furnace is fierce, you don’t face the flame. It is to throw you into the divination furnace and smoke it. If you can survive, you can see the golden body. If you can’t survive, you can quickly beg for mercy to let you out."
Jade Duxiu wants to follow the example of the past ancestors, the Great Sage of Qi Tian, who was tempered in the furnace of hexagrams. This Sun Chi has learned that the golden body is not bad, and if he steps over it, he will have a promising future.
I didn’t know that there was a difference between Sun Chi’s golden body and Buddha’s or Bodhisattva’s in previous lives, but the Great Sage’s golden body was disturbed by all kinds of punishments in the heavens.
"Why are you afraid?" Jade Duxiu looked at Sun Chi with hesitation.
While jade bodhi old zu turned a circle around the Jade Duxiu Gua Furnace, there was a slur in his mouth: "Although I felt your Qiqi in this Gua Furnace before I became a darling, I didn’t expect that it was not easy to have a dry monk in this furnace. It was all a ashes field when the friar entered it, which was even worse."
Jade bodhi old zu stopped and looked at Sun Chi in front of him with a slight disdain way
Sun Chiwen looked red and looked at Jade Duxiu, but he didn’t want to cut his face for himself. He bullet said, "I believe that the Lord also invited the master furnace brother to take a walk in this divination furnace."
Jade Duxiu nodded. "Well, you have to remember that Samadhi is not the true fire that you can touch and enter the divination furnace. Just hide in that door and don’t come out by smoking and baking, trying to run different skills and try to break through the bronze skin and iron bones."
When he finished speaking, he grabbed Sun Chi by the collar and threw him into the divination furnace.
"Boom!" Jade Duxiu’s finger flicked and a streamer fell into the divination furnace for a moment, and the flames in the divination furnace were monstrous, and a scream came from it.
"It’s not easy to break through the golden body. Few people in these days can hold him unless it’s a godfather’s hand. Otherwise, the friar’s roots can’t break his defense." Jade bodhi old zu came to the feet of Jade Duxiu with a sigh.
"Well, who said it wasn’t? I just wanted to help him with his extraordinary talent." Jade Duxiu said
Listening to a dull roaring jade bodhi old zu in the divination furnace, he said, "Where did you find this pole?"
"Pick it up when killing" Jade Duxiu said lightly.
With that, Yu Duxiu lost his interest in talking. Closing his eyes is to put herbs blindly into the divination furnace and refine Sun Chi’s golden body while making an alchemy, which is also considered as two delays.

Chen Qiyi said, "There are many extremely powerful people in the extraterritorial monty. Even if I am a multiplier, I may not escape from being suppressed by people. We still have to be very careful when we encounter any powerful monty."

Wind spirit has also seen the extraterritorial monty badly know Chen Qifei is alarmist as one pleases agreed to come.
These days, the ten disciples of Qingcheng School are still not very angry. After all, Chen Qi is the realm of "refining gas induction". At present, Qingcheng School also knows that Chen Qi has been condensed, but these days, Chen Qi and Feng Ling have stepped out to resist the extraterritorial monty mana, which is enough to shock people. Even if these people still have some ideas, they have been smashed by petty thieves.
The wind spirit takes a fancy to that place, but the sight of two people gathering together with monty outside the territory is at most a virtual place. I feel that the virtual side is a little odd, but I can’t see any clues. I want to be careful when I come to my house. I might as well have a look at it in the past, but I don’t want to go to my heart.
When he rode the dirty black lotus and flew out of tens of thousands of miles away, he suddenly felt that the emptiness outside his body suddenly swung, and I didn’t know how much energy came and went, just like an undercurrent. His heart was slightly surprised, but suddenly he saw that a star suddenly appeared in front of him.
Chen Qi looked back with horror, only to find that there was a void, and there was no more scenery. The huge air mass he grew up in and the heavenly palace were gone.
Feng Ling also noticed this and asked softly, "Can Brother Chen still use that disc multiplier?"
Chen Qi’s mind was busy with a shock and tried it, then shook his head gently and said, "I’m afraid I have to leave this place before I can carry it as usual." Chen Qi and Feng Ling and the other ten Qingcheng Sect disciples swam around and found that this place was like a vault, and the virtual undercurrent kept surging, giving birth to a rotten silver curtain, and hundreds of thousands of miles were circled in Fiona Fang. There was a star here, but the star was flourishing. I don’t know how many foreign monty stars were flying in and out.
Many of these extra-territorial monties are so terrible that Chen Qi dare not continue to shine like this. He is busy releasing Yin Jing Palace to cover up the trail of a group of people.
"hey! Isn’t that a group of star armored beasts? How come the number is much less than the group I saw last time? "
Chen Qi didn’t know that there could be a group of stars and armored beasts in the local area. This group was killed by a powerful person in the Heavenly Palace, but it hasn’t been found that the main group wandered away from the monty. This group of stars and armored beasts happened to be far away from that monty, and the stars flew all the way to that layer of virtual undercurrent. Obviously, it was too much for Chen Qi to know whether to go out for food or to relax.
For the first time, the thief also collected a group of star armored beasts. His curse of King Kong polluted him and kept him around. He also studied this monty nature at ordinary times. Knowing that this thing can be combined into a star shuttle, he can’t help secretly moving his heart and thinking, "I can subdue those star armored beasts, but even though I can form a flying shield, it’s only second-and third-order quality. Especially, this shuttle multiplier is not as clumsy as my fire cloud palace. But if I can subdue more, maybe my power will grow …"
Chen Qi’s heart didn’t move to stop these star armored beasts. He divided the King Kong curse into hundreds of flowers, and spilled the red-violet sword silk quietly. After these red-violet swords flew out of the Yin mirror palace, they were too slim to be hidden in the virtual space, and there was no trace any more. It took less than a moment for Chen Qi to feel the demon dragon and the yellow body come to all kinds of familiar feelings, and there were hundreds of distractions. Obviously, these red-violet swords have drilled into those star armored beasts to refine these extraterritorial monty.
Chen Qi knows that although King Kong’s curse can be transformed into a spell to control his body and mind, the process is fast and slow. The stronger the curse is, the faster the transformation speed will be. On the contrary, Chen Qi is not in a hurry to put this group of star armored beasts into a spell spirit, and then he looks at these star armored beasts through the virtual undercurrent and disappear outside this world.
Feng Ling was surprised to see Chen Qi’s various magic instruments emerge in endlessly. He also noticed that the group of stars and armored beasts flew out of this side of the world and disappeared outside the virtual undercurrent silver light. This just gently gave a sigh and said, "It seems that it is not difficult to come in here and go out, but it is easier than worrying about being trapped inside. Since Teacher Chen Qi has such instruments, we might as well go deeper and see if we can find an ape."
After a slight hesitation, Chen Qi nodded and said, "Naturally, let me fly closer to it." Chen Qi rode the Yin Mirror Palace and flew to the star. But after a while, the little thief’s mood became complicated. This star is not large in diameter, with more than 10,000 mountains, rivers and mainland seas. There are quite a lot of weather. All land and oceans and many dangerous peaks are occupied by many foreign monties. These are all just Chen Qi’s induction of heaven and earth. Others are more complicated and sensitive to all kinds of vitality, and they are vaguely aware that this star has a sinister yin pulse.
This surprise is really serious and complicates Chen Qi’s mood.
He doesn’t want to continue to take risks. After all, it doesn’t matter if he cultivates roots after seventy-two changes. However, since there is a sinister vein here, Chen Qi can cobble together other kinds of dragons and tigers, and the cultivation of the true method of all animals is complex. Every time he is concise, he will achieve higher achievements in the future. Chen Qi can’t let go of his cultivation of roots so lightly.
"Life is a hundred years old who will not die? My generation’s cultivation is against the sky. Where can we practice in peace and stability? Since the day gives me such an opportunity, I will take him a risk. I have five eyes and a demon dragon’s grave, and it is not without a fight. "
Chen Qiding’s mind stopped hesitating and didn’t wait for the wind spirit to urge him to drop the light from the Yin mirror to the star. Although Chen Qiding was suddenly so bold, it was always him who urged Chen Qiding to get close to some. At this time, the wind spirit was not good enough to change his mind and crustily skin of head and thought, "Maybe Teacher Chen has other means to avoid those monties, so that we can safely find the ape. If we can find the ape this time, we will practice congenital seventy-two changes and have a foundation …"
In the other ten Qingcheng Mountain brothers, I didn’t have the qualification to interrupt. I didn’t know what to say when I watched Chen Qifei fall. I was bored and thought at random, especially Situ Qingxue and Yanse Xue, two women who knew Chen Qifei a little. They also decided that this little thief was not an adventurous person and worried less.
Chapter three hundred and nineteen Heart ape
Chen Qi raised his hand and hit a large piece of blue light. There were several fire crows flying in four miles. At this time, he had some regrets. Just now, he was happy to see the King Kong curse and curse spirit in that group of star armored beasts. Now he has a ghost fire curse and curse spirit in his hand. The number of avatars is not enough.
Although Feng Ling saw Chen Qiyun’s strange spell, he couldn’t think that Chen Qi was carrying this sorcery, because Chen Qi just released his own 72 fire crows and 72 fire crows’ robes not long ago. Although the color of these fire crows is strange, they are not so conspicuous against the 144 fire crows.
Chen Qi released all the ghosts’ fire spells and spells. After that, he took a breath of true qi and explained to Feng Ling and several other Qingcheng brothers, "With these fire crows, even if there is any danger, it will be much easier to lose a few fire crows. It will be much safer to search for apes by ourselves. When the fire crows have searched around, they will search in another place."
Feng Ling also nodded and said, "Brother Chen is cautious. This method is really good. Let’s wait here for a while."
The wind spirit can become a talent of "Seven Spirits and One Wind Spirit" in the Yin Mirror Palace. Needless to say, hard work is also a first-class and easy leisure time. The rest of the disciples are poor. Soon after they want to come, they will change to the congenital seventy-two changes. No matter how hard they practice, they are all idle. Looking out from the Yin Mirror Palace, their eyes are full of curiosity.
The gravity of this star is much smaller than that of the world where they live, and the flying escape spell is much faster than that in the original place. Chen Qi, the Yin Mirror Palace, flies up in the original world, which is equivalent to setting the evil spirit and riding the wind, but it is not much slower than refining the imperial escape here.
Chen Qi’s chosen place is also a very high mountain peak surrounded by fertile fields, and many magnificent scenery are different from Dayun Kyushu. These Qingcheng Paidi also feel novel.
Chen Qi has already flown out all my thoughts of consciousness differentiation for four miles to look for the evil spirit yin pulse. Although his mouth says that he wants to explore the apes, his main purpose is actually to solidify himself. Chen Qi has almost divided all his strength, which is considered as heaven pays off. After half an hour, Chen Qi divided and found a tiny evil spirit yin pulse.
Chen Qi briefly looked at the surprise and found that this place was one of the 34 kinds of shaqi obtained by decomposing the dragon and tiger mixed with the elixir before, so that the fire crow swallowed a wisp of shaqi and came back. The fire crow flew in this star more quickly and turned back in a moment. Chen Qi reached out and took out the real fire to wrap this wisp of shaqi in his palm, played it for a while and sent it to a purple jade bamboo slip. This harvest made Chen Qi happy.
"It seems that the world we live in is exhausted, but other stars are afraid that there are still evil spirits. I just don’t know that it is not difficult for those ancient alchemists to abandon this place and draw evil spirits from other stars." Chen Qi thought suddenly smiled and shook his head secretly. "Yes, I think it’s bad. If it’s not difficult to draw ShaQi from other stars, it’s even more difficult to move the door to other stars. No wonder all the ancient sects have moved away. It seems that the world we live in is too deserted to give up."
Chen Qi waited for half a day in the Yin Mirror Palace, and hundreds of groups of ghost fire curses of 144 fire crows have been inquired about and all the surrounding environment has returned. Among them, three fire crows and nine groups of ghost fire curses have each brought back a wisp of evil spirit yin pulse. After a little discrimination, Chen Qi got the Shaqi before the seven groups.
Before Chen Qi’s income, there were thirty-four kinds. Now, this little thief can come to coagulate the evil spirit and the yin pulse has jumped to more than forty-two kinds. This kind of harvest made Chen Qi very unhappy when he took back all the fire crows and curse spirits and changed them to another place, and then scattered all the fire crows and curse spirits.
Seeing Chen Qi’s "heart", Fengling never cared about the socket of his other ten Qingcheng Sect disciples. Instead, it made this little thief’s head fake and fat. Although this star was occupied by many monty outside the territory, Chen Qi was a lair here, but he was very alert and knew how to search for more than 100 underground evil spirits in succession for more than ten days. Although there were many repetitions, many underground evil spirits were weak and the roots could not be condensed, but he gradually got a near-finished sight. He was in 36 underground evil spirits.
The thief head was also quite excited and thought to himself, "This star is full of evil spirits and yin veins. It would be a good choice if not all the monty from other places occupied here to concise the evil spirits. The last two evil spirits and yin veins, one line and five lines of true pulse and one mysterious frost and yin evil spirits, are hard to find me. There have been too many delays here, so I am afraid that I will be extremely happy and sad. Anyway, I can’t find my heart and soul everywhere. Let’s leave here for a while!"
Although Chen Qi also feels that it is a pity that two kinds of evil spirits have not been found, after all, there are many bad things when we are in danger. We are going to follow Feng Ling to talk about whether to go back. Feng Ling suddenly opened his eyes a little excited and said, "Brother Chen, hurry to the east for three hundred miles. Where do I notice some movement?"
Chen Qi was slightly surprised before asking, "What did you find, Brother?"
Feng Ling didn’t hide anything, so he said, "I’ve learned something from studying the congenital seventy-two changes these days, and I’ve come up with a means to find the blood vessels of ancient gods and demons. I just realized that there will be a nest of intentional apes three hundred miles further east, so let’s go and have a look." Chen Qi was also excited when he heard this, and he urged the Yinjing Palace to move and fly three hundred miles away, dazzling that is, after Chen Qi saw a mountain towering in the clouds, there were various apes going back and forth at the peak, but these apes were not ordinary, and each head was more than ten feet tall
Chen Qi saw this group of apes and couldn’t help secretly pleasantly surprised, "It was an ape. These monkeys’ mana doesn’t look very high, so they can capture a few dozens of heads and go back to study slowly, such as extracting blood." Chen Qi’s heart was thinking that suddenly a shock had sensed another evil spirit yin pulse in this mountain. It was he who couldn’t find the five elements of true pulse these days.
"What a double happiness! If I take this wisp of five elements of true pulse and turn back to chaos, I will owe one to cultivate seventy-two evil yin pulses."
Chen Qi is busy releasing the curse spirit’s doppelganger for more than ten times. I don’t know if Chen Qi wants to find the five elements of true pulse, but he also wants to deal with these apes. He cried, "Teacher younger brother, don’t start work. These apes are alert and alert. We must not only catch a few jobs, but also not disturb this group of monty. We must be cautious."
Chen Qi nodded and said, "This matter has to be presided over by my senior brother. I am not calm enough once, and it will be difficult to come next time if I mess it up." Feng Ling was not humble enough to immediately call the other ten Qingcheng brothers, and everyone was assigned responsibilities to Chen Qi, who was still in charge of driving the Yin Mirror Palace. Although the seclusion instrument was low in rank, the seclusion spell was really high, which was the biggest battle they mixed with the ghosts and gods.
Feng Ling doesn’t want to disturb this mountain. I don’t know how many tens of thousands of apes want to take a trip after abducting a few heads. Feng Ling is also the most outstanding brothers of Qingcheng Sect. Not only is he powerful and experienced in fighting, but he is richer than when he commanded Chen Qi to control the Yin Mirror Palace. Suddenly, when his eyes lit up, he saw a lonely ape, he drank a low hand and made a seal. The rest of the Qingcheng Sect brothers also had their own cooperation. A roll of light cried and knocked this ape out and just pulled it to Yin.
Feng Ling saw the palm of his hand and was overjoyed. He also had the vision to see that this ape’s mana was not very high and he didn’t know whether its blood was pure or not, so he let Chen Qi continue to cruise around looking for opportunities. After about seven hours, Feng Ling led the public to capture seventeen apes, and everyone thought that the trip was very fruitful and planned to leave. Suddenly, when it was dark, I didn’t know how many demon birds flew in. These demon birds released several colorful silk threads, and the demon light interwoven into a huge net, and then pulled and captured dozens of them.