
1. **增强免疫力**:枸杞含有丰富的多糖类物质,这些物质具有显著的免疫调节作用,能够增强人体的免疫功能,提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

2. **抗氧化作用**:枸杞中的多种抗氧化物质,如多糖、胡萝卜素、玉米黄质等,能够清除体内的自由基,减少氧化应激反应,从而延缓细胞衰老,保持身体的年轻状态。

3. **护眼保健**:枸杞含有丰富的胡萝卜素和维生素A,对眼睛健康至关重要,长期饮用枸杞茶能够缓解眼睛疲劳,改善视力模糊等问题。


4. **补肾益精**:枸杞被认为具有补肾益精的作用,对于肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、性功能减退等症状有一定的缓解作用。

5. **调节血糖**:枸杞子中的某些成分被认为有助于调节血糖,对于糖尿病患者可能有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **护肝**:枸杞能够帮助降低肝火,排出肝毒,对肝脏有一定的保护作用。

7. **降血脂、降血压**:食用枸杞子可以降低血清胆固醇和三酰甘油的含量,有助于减轻和防止动脉硬化,对高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **抗疲劳**:枸杞中的营养成分有助于提高身体耐力和抗疲劳能力。

9. **改善睡眠质量**:枸杞具有安神定志的作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。

10. **美容抗衰老**:枸杞中的抗氧化物质有助于养肝明目、美容抗衰老。



1. **镇静安神**:艾草的芳香能够帮助缓解精神紧张,对情绪不安、焦虑和抑郁等症状有镇静作用。其独特的香气能够安抚不安的情绪,帮助人们进入良好的睡眠状态。


2. **抗菌消炎**:艾草中含有的香料成分,如兰香油精、芸香甙等,具有抑菌和抗病毒的效果。在古代,人们常用艾草烟熏来驱除房间内的细菌和病毒,预防疾病。

3. **祛湿散寒**:中医认为,艾草具有温经、去湿、散寒的功效。对于身体湿气重、容易感冒、手脚冰冷等症状有一定的改善作用。


4. **助眠**:艾草的香气能够帮助缓解疲劳,使人体更容易进入深度睡眠状态。对于改善睡眠质量有积极作用。

5. **驱蚊驱虫**:艾草的香气具有驱蚊驱虫的效果,尤其在夏季,能够帮助驱赶蚊虫,保持室内空气清新。

6. **调节月经**:对于女性来说,艾草具有暖宫散寒、活血通络等功效,对于月经不调、痛经等症状有一定的调理作用。

7. **增强免疫力**:艾草的抑菌消炎作用有助于提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。

8. **保健养生**:艾草香气能够净化空气,具有防病保健的作用。长期接触艾草香气,有助于改善身体状况,提高生活质量。




1. **改善血液循环**:平甩功通过手臂的摆动,可以促进全身的血液循环,帮助气血运行,增强心血管系统的健康。

2. **提高关节灵活性**:通过手臂和身体的协调运动,可以活动肩关节、腕关节、肘关节等多个关节,有助于改善关节的活动范围,增强关节的灵活性。

3. **增强肌肉力量**:平甩功的动作能够锻炼到上肢的肌肉,从而增强肌肉力量。

4. **活血祛瘀**:坚持练习平甩功可以帮助促进气血运行,使血液运行更加顺畅,有助于活血祛瘀。

5. **疏通经络**:通过动作的摆动,可以疏通经络,有助于身体内部的能量流动。


6. **缓解疼痛**:对于身体部位的疼痛和麻木,平甩功有缓解的作用。


7. **预防疾病**:平甩功可以预防冠状动脉硬化等疾病,同时也能提高身体免疫力。

8. **提升精神状态**:平甩功不仅锻炼身体,还能放松身心,缓解工作压力和紧张情绪,提高人的情绪状态。

9. **改善手眼协调能力**:平甩功的动作需要手眼协调,有助于提高这一能力。

10. **简单易学**:平甩功的动作简单,适合各个年龄段的人进行,不需要特殊设备,易于在日常生活中实践。

11. **排毒效果**:刚开始练习平甩功时,可能会出现“酸、痛、麻、痒、胀”等排毒效应,这是身体在自我调节和净化。

12. **调节身心**:平甩功融合了阴阳调和、刚柔并济的原理,有助于达到身心和谐的状态。



### 菊花的功效:

1. **清热解毒**:菊花性寒,味苦,具有很好的清热解毒作用,适用于治疗感冒发热、咽喉肿痛等症状。
2. **清肝明目**:菊花可平肝潜阳,对肝火旺盛、目赤肿痛、视物模糊等眼部疾病有良好的治疗作用。
3. **疏散风热**:菊花有疏散风热之效,适用于风热感冒、头痛、身热等症状。
4. **抗病毒、抗菌**:现代研究表明,菊花中含有多种对身体有益的营养物质,具有抵抗病毒、细菌的作用。
5. **延缓衰老**:菊花具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。
6. **降低血压**:菊花中含有大量的黄酮类物质,具有扩张血管、降低血压的作用。


7. **抗肿瘤**:菊花中的黄体酮成分具有抗肿瘤作用,对卵巢癌、视网膜母细胞瘤等有一定抑制作用。

### 菊花茶的制作:

1. 取菊花10-15克,放入茶杯中。
2. 用沸水冲泡,盖上盖子,静置3-5分钟。
3. 可加入适量的枸杞子、红枣等食材,增强其功效。

### 菊花的使用禁忌:

1. **体质偏寒者**:菊花性寒,体质偏寒者应避免过量饮用,以免加重病情。
2. **脾胃虚寒者**:脾胃虚寒者饮用菊花茶可能会加重脾胃不适,应谨慎使用。
3. **过敏体质者**:过敏体质者在饮用菊花茶前,应先泡一两朵试试,确认无过敏反应后再饮用。
4. **孕妇**:孕妇在服用菊花茶前,应咨询医生意见,避免影响胎儿健康。

### 总结:



1. **催化作用**:酵素在生物体内起到催化作用,加速生化反应的进行,使反应在较温和的条件下进行,而不会改变反应的平衡。

2. **分解与代谢**:酵素能够帮助分解食物中的大分子物质,如蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物,使之变成小分子物质,便于人体吸收和利用。

3. **排毒作用**:一些酵素具有清理体内毒素的作用,例如活性益生菌和肠毒清酵素,它们可以将废物转化为有益物质,同时疏松大便,有助于改善便秘。

4. **消炎作用**:酵素可以提升身体抵抗力,促进白血球功能,帮助搬运白血球至受损细胞,减少发炎。

5. **抗菌作用**:研究表明,酵素对大肠杆菌、铜绿假单胞菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等有害微生物具有抑制作用。

6. **分解脂肪**:酵素具有分解脂肪的功能,有助于减肥。通过服用酵素,可以消除多余的脂肪,使人变得既结实又健康。

7. **解酒作用**:酵素能分解血液中的酒精,有助于缓解酒醉症状。


8. **细胞再生与复活**:酵素有助于细胞的新生和复活,促进新陈代谢,从而延缓衰老。


9. **血液净化**:酵素可以净化血液,提高血液质量。

10. **提高免疫力**:通过调节身体机能,酵素有助于提高免疫力,增强身体抵抗力。


– 酵素并非药物,不能替代药物治疗疾病。
– 服用酵素时,应注意剂量,过量可能导致不适。
– 酵素产品质量参差不齐,选择时要注意选择正规品牌和产品。
– 酵素的使用效果因人而异,建议在专业指导下使用。



1. **促进消化与吸收**:山楂具有促进肠道蠕动的作用,能够帮助消化,改善消化不良和食欲不振的情况。

2. **缓解脾胃虚弱**:对于脾胃虚弱的人群,山楂甘草茶能够帮助健脾和胃,改善胃肠功能低下的问题。

3. **清热解毒**:甘草具有清热解毒的功效,能够缓解因体内热毒引起的口舌生疮等症状。

4. **润肺止咳**:山楂甘草茶对于秋冬季节干燥引起的肺气虚、咳嗽等症状有缓解作用。

5. **活血化瘀**:山楂和甘草都有活血化瘀的效果,对于体内有淤血的人群有益。

6. **降血糖、降血脂**:山楂和甘草都有一定的降血糖、降血脂作用,有助于维护心血管健康。

7. **调节血压**:山楂具有扩张外周血管的作用,有助于降血压。


8. **促进新陈代谢**:山楂有助于加快机体新陈代谢,起到一定的瘦身作用。

9. **收敛止血**:山楂具有收敛作用,能够止血,适合用于一些轻微的出血情况。

10. **保健作用**:山楂甘草茶可以作为日常保健茶饮,增强食欲,提高身体抵抗力。

– 山楂具有一定的酸性,肠胃敏感者饮用时可能引起不适,应适量。
– 山楂在生理期不建议食用,以免影响生理周期。
– 甘草虽然具有多种功效,但过量使用可能会引起副作用,因此也应适量饮用。


Thought of here, Yu Guihai will retreat when his front foot is raised.

Suddenly, there was a sense of danger in his heart, and it seemed that his life would be in danger immediately if he stepped back.
"What’s the matter? What can’t go back? "
Yu Gui’s eyes turned back and forth in fear and looked around warily.
Everything in the cave is as usual, except for the stone platform beetle and those two people, and there is nothing unusual.
Yu Guihai then tried twice and found that he is now like a pawn crossing the river who can move forward but can’t retreat.
At this time, he also knew that the two men had gone all the way forward, even without the beetle.
Understand the situation, Yu Guihai made up his mind.
He will also go forward to get the golden beetle.
The rules in this cave are weird. You can move forward, regardless of who made the rules. It must be intentional to let people in.
And the only anomaly ahead is the golden beetle.
Obviously, this golden beetle is the key. Maybe the first person who gets the beetle can walk out of the cave alive, and everyone else will die.
Thought of here, Yu Guihai riveted his strength and walked forward.
One step, two steps and three steps …
The more I move forward, the greater the pressure I feel.
The two men in front are under greater pressure because they are too far ahead, so they return to the sea and slowly chase after them.
However, as he goes forward, the pressure is getting slower and slower.
Later, it took him a quarter of an hour to take every step, and the two men in front of him took a full hour to take a step, which was much slower than the tortoise.
After this journey, I returned to the sea and finally found out the strange pressure effect.
The strange pressure in the cave locks all the energy in the body, and everyone can move with pure physical strength.
But this pressure not only tests the body, but also tests the spiritual will
At this time, Yu Guihai’s body is strong, his spirit is strong and his will is tenacious, showing his advantages.
He also took many basic techniques and forging techniques, and at the same time, he also took both immortal and martial arts. His body has already been tempered to an extremely vigorous degree, and his body is far more powerful than ordinary monks of the same rank.
His spirit is even stronger, reaching a certain limit, which is by no means comparable to that of ordinary strong people of the same order.
Although Fan She and Snake Sou are one with strange strength and the other with great strength, their mental will and physical strength are not equal to returning to the sea.
All I can see is that Yu Guihai is very slow, but step by step, he is determined to catch up with them.
The snake is a little stronger than Fan She, because he came in a lot later, but he has already caught up with Fan She, just one position behind him, so it will be flat, and it will not be a problem to catch up with the past before reaching the stone stage.
So his heart is full of hope.
"Holy insect is me! Ha ha ha! " The snake is ecstatic in its heart.
At this time, Fei extravagant heart is anxious than he didn’t expect this snake barbary to suddenly come in from the outside, and he didn’t expect this person to be so powerful in this cave that the speed is faster than himself.
"What can this bastard break away from the magic circle of the Nine Spirits Lock?" Fan Shexin doubts.

Speak out. Zhou Wang was furious. He left and turned into the harem. The hall was full of ministers, and Wen Zhong looked at each other at each other.

Deeply resentful of Huang Feihu’s endless complaints, Huang Feihu is also deeply regretful.
If this is the case, it’s all right. Although Zhong and You Hun ate Wen Zhong, they dared not be evil again, but Fei Lian and E Lai, the courtiers, had a bad heart again. This Huang Feihu is the most earth official in Wen Zhong, that is, Asia is worse than him. Those courtiers suffer more.
These two guys are not good people who want to move down Huang Feihu, so are the number of days. These two guys don’t want to be gossiped by Huang Fei when they enter the palace. When they hear Huang Fei’s great anger, they come to beat them. This Zhou Wang has eaten a lot of gas in the daytime, and that Huang Fei is also insignificant, so it has caused great disaster.
This Zhou Wang is full of anger and has no place to scatter. He doesn’t want Huang Fei to hit the angry head. He will lift Huang Fei and fall down the stairs. Alas, it is hard for the United States to splash blood on the jade steps.
This Zhou Wang anger would have hurt Huang Fei, but it was also a moment of blood courage that he had regretted looking at Fei Lian and E Lai, two people who felt that they would be disgusting and immediately made me beat them with sticks.
Huang Fei’s body has fallen, and I have reported that Huang Feihu and Huang Feihu were furious and sad when they came from their hearts. Four generals have long been dissatisfied with Zhou Wang’s virtue, and this Huang Feihu has suffered some kind of anger during the day. Can you bear it? I immediately went out of Chaoge City and went straight to the prison. I robbed Xibo Hou Jichang first and then went to Xiqiao.
How can you hide such an important event if you defend the country and become a king? Wen Taishi heard this movement. If he still slept in a hurry, he got up and discussed it with all the ministers for a long time. Many people complained that Zhou Wang got up and chased Wu Chengwang and his party.
It’s a pity that Wu Chengwang’s orders should not be denied to the Taishi, but he has been taught by real people to use the secret method for several miles, lost his way and finally returned with success.
Master Wen’s heart was really anxious, and he asked Zhou Wang why, but he returned to the house to gather the immortals to discuss this great event.
Zhao Gong took one look at the crowd thoughtfully slightly, which was the only way: "I don’t know when to say something inappropriate when I hear Brother Dao."
Wen Zhong heart move immediately nodded "brother but said ok".
Zhao Gong took a look at all the monks in the house and hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and exclaiming, "Brother Dao and my three sisters lived in the floating cloud island in those days and listened to the real story of the sacred war. He said that this war was inevitable, and many monks of various religions had a list of famous people. Now the chaos has become more and more chaotic, even in front of him. The master once said that we were all on the sacred list …"
Wen Zhong shook his head and wry smile way "brother said I know, but how can I be abandoned at will by Shang Wang En? Mortals once said that there are tigers in the mountains, and I am favored by tigers in the mountains. Since I am rich, I naturally have to compete. Since I am in the game, it is not so easy to get out. "
Zhao Gong shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Brother Dao misunderstood me. When my three sisters and I were playing in Floating Cloud Island, Uncle Zeng Zeng was empty. I got a ring. My three sisters each got a set of jewelry. On that day, he once said that this thing could resolve our disaster. Now that I think about it, I think it should be in this war of gods. Now the momentum is not good, and the master refuses to lightly follow the world. I am waiting for the floating cloud island to ask for good or ill luck."
Everyone nodded slightly when they heard this, and the Taoist priest’s name was loud and clear. His evolution was even more famous. When everyone heard Zhao Gongqi’s familiarity, their hearts were full of joy. Wouldn’t it be a lot less detours if they got his guidance?
Wen Zhong was first pleased and then his eyebrows screwed up. He took a look at the Duke of Zhao and shook his head with a wry smile. "Brother, we always cut off our younger brothers, so it’s hard for the floating cloud island to ask for help. It’s just that I’m afraid of teaching and I don’t like it. Please ask Brother to think twice."
Zhao Gong nodded slightly and his eyebrows screwed up. He suddenly Zhan Yan laughed. "Brother Dao, I’m confused. We can’t go and ask my three sisters to help me directly to see Uncle Qing Xu. Wouldn’t it be good for the three of them to ask for an idea in the name of visiting?"
Wen Zhong nodded exultantly, saying, "It’s just right for Brother Dao to say that it’s the Three Immortals, but please ask Brother Dao to leave here. It needs to be delayed, so I can’t wait for Brother Dao’s news here."
Without hesitation, the Duke of Zhao went out to sing a song and went straight to the island where Sanxiao lived.
Sanxiao was not enthusiastic about worldly things, and he sneaked on the island. When he heard that the Duke of Zhao came out to meet him, he was also welcome, so he told the whole story and went to ask for a way.
Yunxiao listened and shook his head and sighed, "Brother, you are so confused. Don’t you remember the master’s words? Instead of persuading Brother Wendao to get involved himself, Uncle Qingxu gave me a magic weapon, but it made me hide like you. Isn’t this a waste of time for Uncle Qingxu? Like you, I have the face. Does the floating cloud island ask uncle Qing Xu about your life? "
Zhao Gong shook his head again and again with a wry smile. "Sister, you didn’t know that Brother Wendao didn’t know who he had heard, saying that I had to rebel against the North Sea quickly. How can I not make moves?" Three sisters still bother to go to the virtual temple on the floating cloud island and ask martial uncle Qingxu once to make the sky stable, so there is no need to squander the merits. "
Next to Qiong Xiao, seeing Zhao Gong say this, my heart is also full of sighs. "Sister and brother are so begging for help, so you promised to think about it. The empty reality also has a lot of love for us. We have never gone to visit since our return. There is nothing wrong with seeing my brother and brother Wen asking for uncle once."
Bi Xiao listened to it and nodded again and again. "Elder sister, I don’t know why you ordered my brothers not to join the WTO casually. Joining the WTO is to seal the gods’ list. Celebrities don’t know what the abacus is. It’s not a way to go here. We’ll go for help when we know it, and we won’t say anything about our sister."
Hearing this, Zhao Gong nodded again and again. "Won’t you help me when I wait for my brother and sister?" Speaking of this, there is a slight displeasure in the tone.
Chapter 29 Good medicine tastes bitter and is good for illness. flying bear leaves the foundation early.
Seeing Zhao Gong’s fierce words in the sky, Nai nodded gently. "In that case, my two sisters and I will take a trip, but the floating clouds island group has many uncles who are often not in the palace. Don’t blame us if we can’t see you."
Zhao Gong repeatedly nodded, "Know how to go quickly."
Seeing Zhao Gong like this in Yunxiao, he shook his head and sighed lightly. His brother is good everywhere, but he is too loyal. Friends can risk their lives. Doesn’t he know how to teach the true fairy strength? Since the beginning of time, how many secret methods have been used to kill people without seeing blood?
Worried that the sky crossed Qingluan and drank low, he went to the floating cloud island. Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao also crossed the mount and went to the floating cloud island. Zhao Gong wanted to wait here and was afraid of what happened to Wen Zhong in the song. He hesitated slightly and charged the island girl a few words to sing the song first.
Clouds are full of sorrow and sighs on the road. Bi Xiao saw the doubts in his heart and asked, "Sister, why don’t you look like this just to go to the floating cloud island?" Why are you so nervous? " Aside Qiong Xiao quipped, "My sister knows that she is excited to see Qing Xushi, and she is afraid that Qing Xushi is not on the island." Speaking of this, she can’t help smiling at her mouth first.
Yunxiao shook his head and sighed, "Don’t be kidding. Do you recognize Uncle Xu as a doer? At that time, he gave the three of us a set of jewelry and a ring to my brother. I still didn’t understand what it meant that day. Now it seems that we are afraid of being involved in this god-sealing war. It’s a pity that my brother still doesn’t know it. What if something really happens? "
Blue clouds eyes suddenly tightened her thoughtfully for a moment and suddenly sneered, "Sister, who are you afraid of? Explain which one is your opponent? If we really commit crimes, we will discipline them to go back and forth. "
After saying his word, I suddenly heard a National People’s Congress say with smile, "But what if there is a small fight?"? It’s true that three sisters are miraculous, but can three sisters be saints? Even the three younger sisters have nothing to do if Yuan Shibo makes moves! At that time, Uncle Tongtian was far away from Wan Li. If he could make it, who could save the three sisters from the fire and water? "
Three clouds face is a nasty look up only to see Kong Xuan smiling high in the clouds with a huge flat peach in his hand.
Qiong Xiao couldn’t help but chuckle when she saw this. Kong Xuan and Li Suiyun didn’t learn anything good. They looked like their master, as if they hadn’t eaten fairy fruit for years, and they all wolfed down their food
Clouds frown at Kong Xuan low way "brother how come here? My two sisters and I are going to visit Uncle Qingxu on the floating cloud island, and we don’t want to meet our brothers here. "
Kong Xuan swallowed the flat peach in one gulp, then took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped it himself. Then he nodded, "The three sisters won’t go to the master’s old man’s house. I knew you three would come and asked me to meet you on the island, so you won’t go."
Yunxiao’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, but Bixiao beat him to say, "Where did Martial Uncle Qing Xu visit again? Brother, you can take us there."
Kong Xuan shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Master, his old man’s house has never been out of the island, and he also knows that your reason is to ask me to come here to charge you to seal the gods’ list of lives. Whoever laughs at last will be happy and avoid misfortune and hide from the strong enemy."
Three clouds startled into the sky thoughtfully for a moment to Kong Xuandao, "Brother Qing Xu, Martial Uncle, said this but meant it? Is there any reason for this? Please give me some advice. "

Guiyuan fairy was burned to ashes!

Pang Yi is not much better than Guiyuan Fairy.
He didn’t prepare to see a tiger with long white hair rushing out of the opposite tripod wall, surrounded by fierce gas and almost condensed into essence!
The White Tiger Holy Spirit is located in the western main war.
Every hair of the White Tiger Sage’s soul falls off, and it contains a war that can split the Milky Way for nine days and destroy all things in the stars!
Staring at Pang Yi by the white tiger holy spirit, I felt that my hands and feet were cold and stiff, and I seemed to lose my ability to escape.
Pang Yi turned pale with fear and hurriedly crushed his waist Yu Pei.
This Yu Pei fractured generate has a great power to wrap him up and form a protective barrier.
Just then, the white tiger holy spirit rushed to the crowd!
A shrill sound began.
Pang Yi’s pupil contraction saw that this protective barrier around him had been directly torn by the white tiger holy soul!
The white tiger holy spirit marched into Tiger Claw and flashed a sharp cold light.
Pang Yi’s body was torn apart by this huge Tiger Claw, and Yuan Shen died on the spot!
Guiyuan Fairy and Pang Yi are also unlucky.
Among the four holy spirits, Suzaku Holy Spirit and White Tiger Holy Spirit attack the most fiercely.
Add two people to guard against the root. I didn’t expect Su Mo to offer a threat to them.
If you blink, you will die on the spot!
Chapter two thousand three hundred and twenty-six Kill the quartet!
the other side
Xuanwu holy spirit rushed out of the town prison tripod as if it condensed into stormy waves!
It looks huge and clumsy, but it walks on the sea at an amazing speed and rushes towards Xie Tianhong angrily.
Xie Tianhong was the first person to realize that he was not going forward or backward.
So his reaction time is longer than the other three.
When the Xuanwu holy spirit rushed out, he had already condensed a peerless avatar and hit the Xuanwu holy spirit.
This peerless avatar crashed into the soul of Xuanwu Holy Spirit.
The sacred soul of Xuanwu is different, and the tortoise shell blooms a series of lights to dissolve this peerless magical power.
But Xie Tianhong also conveniently retreated behind him, and hundreds of fairy strong people embraced him and broke out into many magic weapons of supernatural powers and magic weapons towards Xuanwu holy soul.
Xuanwu holy spirit’s war attack is not too strong, but its defense is respected among the four holy spirits.
See the Xuanwu holy spirit raise the sky and roar, and set off a huge wave behind him. Tortoise shell is blazing with gully light.
The strength of many magical powers through heavy waves has been reduced a lot.
Finally, the damage caused by the tortoise shell that fell on the sacred soul of Xuanwu has been minimized!
Yuan Zuo county king didn’t retreat as decisively as Xie Tianhong.
But he is still slow down and alert.
So when he opened his eyes on the Qinglong Holy Spirit in the Ding wall opposite him, he realized that it was not good to retreat and at the same time condensed the magical secret method and played it out toward the front.
Qinglong rushed out at a very fast speed and pushed the mysterious magic methods of Yuanzuo County King into pieces, and then he came to the front of Yuanzuo County King!
Too horizontal!
The king of Yuanzuo County has already offered a huge shield in front of him.
A loud noise!
Tsing lung holy spirit slammed into this shield, and the great power directly lifted the king of Yuanzuo County through the shield!
The king of Yuanzuo County spat out a big mouthful of blood and looked sluggish.
Although he was injured, he was much better than Yuan Tianxian and Pang Yi and saved his life.
This kind of injury is nothing for a ninth-order fairy.
So a little delay yuan county king behind hundreds of fairy strong also rushed to have shots at the same time.
There is anger in the eyes of the dragon’s sacred soul.
It seems that the failure to kill the king of Yuanzuo County made him quite angry!
Seeing him hovering straight up, the huge slender dragon body was full of tight and hard scales, and the claws were sharp and flashing with cold light, and then they disappeared into the clouds.
Hundreds of immortals, powerful people, magical powers, magic weapons, all scolded.
Suddenly, a thick dragon tail was thrown out of the clouds, carrying a total annihilation thunder and setting off a gust of wind.
Poop, poop, poop!
More than 200 immortals in the Great Jinxian Kingdom dodged and were not swept by this Qinglong tail, and their bodies burst into clouds of blood fog.
Yuan Shen was wiped by the dragon tail and died on the spot!
The two Heavenly Guards, wearing heavy armor, failed to resist the shattering of Qinglong Tail’s strength armor into their own bodies.
This dragon’s tail swept through the void and directly emerged a red blood area. There was no living person!

"Oh, my God, Arakawa wants to take this opportunity to attack Mahayana!"

Some half-ancestors in the crowd recognized the origin of this strong wind for nine days and gave an exclamation.
All half-ancestors and strong people know that terran practitioners who want to step into Mahayana have to go through the three disasters of Taoism!
Throughout the ages, there have been countless semi-ancestors and powerful people who have fallen into this Taoist catastrophe.
Before that, it was difficult to break through the great realm, but there was no robbery
The so-called avatar robbery in the Taoist Three Disasters is due to a narrow escape!
Once you fail, it is almost impossible!
There are many half-ancestors who have a hunch that they have survived the avatar robbery and choose not to force a breakthrough until Shou Yuan runs out.
After all, there are still many years to live waiting for Shou Yuan to run out
Once Du Jie fails, he will die immediately!
It takes not only amazing talent and strong foundation, but also great courage to attack Mahayana!
All the people were so shocked because they didn’t expect Su Mo to be here, and they would choose to break through Mahayana in the midst of a strong enemy.
Even if no one interferes with the experience of avatar robbery, it is a narrow escape.
What’s more, the six fierce families are eager to kill!
Actually, it’s not that Su Mo wants to break through here at this time.
It’s that the natural violet turns into the post-natural lotus platform, and with the constant change, the huge energy nourishes the dark-haired Yuan Shen crazily!
This energy is too vast, and the dark-haired yuan Shen root can’t bear it.
He can’t hold on to the realm. He has to break through!
Pale ghost bodhi old zu eye suddenly open generate out of a raven toward Du Jie Su Mo gallop away!
The fierce bodhi old zu could never watch Su Mo step into Mahayana.
Whether Su Mo can succeed in Du Jie or not, they will interrupt it!
Another magical power arrival
In front of this raven, a tall ice barrier rises up to a thousand blades to stop this raven!
Yuzhen appeared in front of Su Mo.
Her heart is always in Su Mo.
Pale ghost bodhi old zu slightly move she has been aware of the first time.
Kaka, Kaka!
Although the ice barrier will resist this day’s vision, cracks will also emerge in the ice wall and collapse in a short time!
"It’s really disgusting that the bodhi old zu actually took advantage of people’s unprepared sneak attack!"
Yuzhen said coldly
"Sister, go and help. You can’t let the master have something!"
Free and unfettered nervous hurriedly god know sound.
Silver rings slightly, and also jumped YuZhen side by side and looked at the five people opposite Shenyu bodhi old zu.
China bodhi old zu and others have got up and surrounded Su Mo with life multiplier one by one with a dignified look.
"Leave this woman in white to me."
Luo Cha Liying bodhi old zu corners of the mouth slightly become warped at YuZhen licked his lips.
Shenyu bodhi old zu nodded slightly. "I’ll leave the silver rings to the remaining ten Terran bodhi old zu …"
"Rest assured"