
1. **利水消肿**:薏米性凉,具有利水消肿的作用,适用于治疗水肿、脚气等症状。

2. **健脾去湿**:薏米能够健脾,去除体内湿气,对于脾虚湿盛引起的泄泻、湿痹拘挛等有良好的治疗效果。

3. **舒筋除痹**:薏米能够舒筋活络,对于风湿身痛、湿热筋急拘挛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **清热排脓**:薏米有清热作用,对于肺痈、肠痈、赘疣、癌肿等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **美白肌肤**:薏米中含有维生素B1和维生素E,能够改善皮肤,消除粉刺、色斑,使皮肤光泽。

6. **减肥**:薏米低脂低热量,富含膳食纤维,有助于减肥,对于下半身水肿的人尤具疗效。


7. **预防心血管疾病**:薏米中的成分可以降低血中胆固醇和三酸甘油脂,预防高血脂症、高血压、中风、心血管疾病以及心脏病。

8. **降血脂**:薏米含有丰富的水溶性纤维,可以吸附胆盐,降低血脂肪和血糖。

9. **促进新陈代谢**:薏米可以促进体内血液和水分的新陈代谢,有利尿、消水肿等作用,帮助排便。

10. **抗癌**:薏米中的薏苡仁酯具有抗癌作用,能抑制癌细胞生长,可用于胃癌及子宫颈癌。






1. **提高免疫力**:黄蚬子富含蛋白质和氨基酸,这些是维持免疫机能最重要的营养素,有助于构成白血球和抗体,从而有效提高人体的免疫力。

2. **促进新陈代谢**:黄蚬子中含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、磷、铁等,这些元素对于维持骨骼健康、促进血液循环有重要作用,并能促进体内水分和血液的新陈代谢。


3. **利尿消肿**:黄蚬子含有利尿成分,可以帮助消除体内水钠潴留,对治疗全身水肿、小便不利等状况有辅助作用。

4. **调节血压和血脂**:黄蚬子的脂肪含量低,且含有较高比例的不饱和脂肪酸,这些成分有助于控制血压、降低血脂和胆固醇,对心血管健康有益。

5. **保护血管和降低血黏度**:黄蚬子中的不饱和脂肪酸和微量元素能软化和保护血管,降低血黏度,改善微循环。

6. **美容养颜**:黄蚬子含有丰富的维生素E,能够抑制皮肤衰老、防止色素沉着,对缓解皮肤过敏或感染引起的皮肤干燥和瘙痒有好处。

7. **维持造血功能**:黄蚬子含有钴元素,有助于维持人体的造血功能,对肝功能的恢复也有积极作用。

8. **辅助治疗疾病**:黄蚬子对于肾阳虚引起的阳痿、腰痛、小便频数等状况有辅助治疗作用。

9. **提供能量**:黄蚬子的能量较低,每100克只有47千卡,且脂肪含量也较低,适合作为健康饮食的一部分。

10. **补充微量元素**:黄蚬子含有锌、镁、硒等微量元素,这些元素对于维持人体正常生理功能至关重要。




1. **补充营养**:红菱富含多种维生素和矿物质,如维生素C、维生素E、钾、钙、镁等,这些营养素对维持人体健康至关重要。此外,红菱中还含有多种氨基酸,有助于身体的正常生理活动。

2. **清热解毒**:红菱属性平和,无毒性,尤其在炎热的夏季食用,可以清热解毒,改善夏季常见的烦渴躁动症状,有助于解暑生津。

3. **健脾开胃**:红菱是一种温性的食物,对胃肠道无副作用,还能起到保护作用。对于肠胃道不好或食欲不振的人群,适量食用红菱有助于改善肠胃道功能。

4. **抗癌作用**:研究表明,红菱中含有多种活性成分,能够抑制癌细胞的生长和繁殖,对于癌症患者来说,有助于减轻症状和痛苦,延长生命时间。


5. **改善便秘**:红菱具有润滑肠道、增强肠胃蠕动功能的作用,对于有便秘症状的人来说,经常食用红菱可以改善排便困难的情况。


6. **提高免疫力**:红菱富含的营养素能够增强身体抵抗力,提高免疫力,帮助身体抵抗疾病。

7. **其他健康益处**:红菱还可以用于治疗腰腿疼痛、解酒、缓中等症状,具有一定的药用价值。



1. **润肠通便**:南瓜叶含有丰富的膳食纤维,食用后可以吸收水分膨胀,刺激胃肠蠕动,从而有助于润肠通便,对便秘患者有很好的改善作用。

2. **减肥瘦身**:南瓜叶热量低,富含膳食纤维,食用后在胃内吸水膨胀,能增加饱腹感,有助于减少对高能量食物的摄入,适合作为减肥时的辅助食品。

3. **安胎**:在中医中,南瓜叶常用于安胎,对习惯性流产、胎心不稳的孕妇尤其适用,与其他安胎药物一起使用效果更佳。

4. **消炎镇痛**:南瓜叶含有一定的植物碱成分,具有轻微的麻醉作用和收敛性,中医常用其捣碎外敷治疗外伤,有助于预防感染,促进伤口愈合。

5. **清热解暑**:南瓜叶清凉甘苦,有助于清热消暑,适合在夏季食用,对暑热口渴、发热腹泻等有辅助治疗作用。

6. **补充营养**:南瓜叶富含叶绿素,有助于造血、提供维生素、解毒、抗病毒等,还能补充身体所需的纤维素、多种维生素和矿物质,提高身体免疫力。


7. **活血化瘀**:对于经痛、胃痛等疾病,南瓜叶具有一定的活血化瘀作用。

8. **止血止痛**:南瓜叶末对于不太严重的刀伤、创伤有止血止痛的效果,烫伤后撒一些南瓜叶子末也能减少水泡的生成。

9. **改善泌尿系统**:南瓜叶子汁中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,进而帮助胆固醇代谢,对泌尿系统结石有一定的疏通作用。



1. **扩张血管与改善血液循环**:大蒜具有稀释血液、降低胆固醇、防止动脉硬化的作用。白酒泡制后,大蒜中的有效成分与酒精结合,可以进一步扩张血管,促进血液流动,有助于预防和治疗高血压、血栓和动脉硬化。


2. **抗癌与防癌**:大蒜中含有多种抗癌成分,经过白酒泡制后,这些成分的活性可能得到提升。有研究表明,白酒泡大蒜可以帮助抑制癌细胞的生长和扩散。

3. **抗血小板凝结**:大蒜素N是白酒泡制过程中产生的一种物质,具有抗血小板凝结的功效,有助于预防血栓的形成。


4. **改善脑部血液循环**:对于脑部缺血性疾病,如头晕、头痛等症状,白酒泡大蒜被认为有一定的缓解作用。

5. **提神醒脑**:白酒泡大蒜还具有提神的作用,对于长时间工作或熬夜导致疲劳的人群,食用泡过大蒜的白酒可能有助于恢复精力。

6. **预防感冒与增强免疫力**:在流感季节,每天食用一些白酒泡大蒜可能有助于预防感冒和其他呼吸道疾病。

7. **治疗皮肤病**:传统上,大蒜和姜泡酒被认为对某些皮肤病有治疗作用。




1. **增强免疫力**:绍兴黄酒中含有多种功能性低聚糖,如异麦芽糖、潘糖、异麦芽三糖等,能有效促进肠道双歧杆菌增殖,降低血清中的胆固醇及血脂水平,从而提高机体免疫力。

2. **美容养颜**:绍兴黄酒性温和,含有丰富的B族维生素,适量饮用可促进血液循环,具有补血和美容养颜的作用。

3. **预防疾病**:绍兴黄酒含有丰富的有机酸,适量饮用能有效预防多种疾病。

4. **增加记忆**:绍兴黄酒含有较丰富的γ-氨基丁酸,具有降血压、改善脑功能、增加记忆、镇静神经、提高肝、肾技能等多种生理活性。

5. **清除自由基**:黄酒含有多酚物质、类黑精、谷胱甘肽等多种生活性成分,具有清除自由基,防止心脑血管病、抗癌、抗衰老等多种生理功能。

6. **保护心脏**:绍兴黄酒含有丰富的微量元素,这些微量元素对预防心脑血管疾病的发生具有重要意义。


7. **药用价值**:绍兴黄酒有消食化积、镇静的作用,适合饮食方面有厌食消化不良、心跳过速、烦躁等症状的人饮用。

8. **减肥**:适量饮用绍兴黄酒具有减肥的功效,同时还能加速血液循环和新陈代谢。

9. **祛腥膻**:在烹饪油腻或海鲜及肉类食物时,加入适量的绍兴黄酒,可以使腥膻味的物质溶解于热酒精中,从而提升菜肴的香气。


Hoo ~ ~ ~

Black gas retreated, and the huge snakehead dashed out, biting Yu Guihai again.
Yu Guihai’s eyes flashed with folded arms.
Chapter 191 Thunder slay
Yu Guihai’s body dodged the snake’s head and struck the long staff of bones in his hand, and the yin fire surged out toward the snake demon’s big eyes.
The snake demon never dodged when he was castrated, and a flash of black gas emerged from his eyes to form a dustpan-sized scale to protect his head.
Poof ~ ~
A light sound of a long staff of white bones was blocked by black scales and shook violently.
Followed by a white light maser and instantaneous in black gas scales.
Bang ~ ~ ~
There was a loud noise, and the white light burst into a dark fire, and the scales of black gas crashed and smashed, and the pale, dark fire and black gas exploded.
As soon as the snake’s eyelids closed, it blocked the scattered yin fire without any damage.
At this time, the serpent has already reacted, and its huge body will gently twist and retreat.
Just then, a piercing scream suddenly came.
Cheep ~ ~ ~ ~
See a white light from Yu Guihai hand shot immediately came to the front of the serpent head.
This white light is too fast for it to escape.
But the serpent is not afraid of a banter in his eyes, and a black gas quickly emerges from the skin and condenses rapidly outside the scales of the white light.
Pa ~ ~ ~
A light white light hits the scales and the roots are broken.
When the serpent was puzzled, he saw a black light lashing out from the white debris and instantly penetrated the black gas scale and shot into its head.
Boom ~ ~ ~
The serpent felt that his head was hit with a heavy hammer, and his mind was stagnant for a while, and he was shocked. The whole snake was frozen on the spot.
Soul charm!
Yu Guihai will display a soul charm in his hand to subdue the serpent.
Yu Guihai’s mouth is full of mysterious aura, which runs rapidly and flows into his long staff like a waterfall.
The long staff in his hand shone brightly and instantly changed its form.
The thick bones are connected together for more than two meters, and a tattered triangle is painted on the side with a huge skull with two horns.
A gray light gathered from the banner, and the huge skull with two horns suddenly opened its mouth and a thick gray light beam was lasered out.
At this time, the serpent earned the soul charm, but he saw that a gray-white light beam containing the smell of destruction had come to his eyes, and his eyes could not help showing a trace of despair.
Poof ~ ~ ~
A light gray-white light beam directly penetrated from the giant snake’s forehead, leaving a huge blood hole covered with a layer of ice.
Boom ~ ~ ~
The serpent’s head fell heavily on the ground and his body was still twitching and twisting.
Yu Guihai gently landed in front of the dead snake demon.
This time, he is not easy to take advantage of the impact of the snake demon to seize the flaw and use thunder to quickly kill it.
Not only did he consume a Yin-fire symbol and a soul-killing symbol, but he also spurred the Yin-fire skeleton banner. Now, he has consumed most of his mysterious aura, the strongest power.
But that’s what masters do.
To the death, no one will hide anything to seize the flaw and immediately do everything possible to kill the enemy.
This giant snake obviously doesn’t know this truth, but it has died tragically in Yu Guihai before its strength of the earth has been brought into full play.
When the snake demon dies, its black gas is scattered all over the body, and many black ghosts make a piercing cry when the virtual yin gas is scattered.
These ghosts have been refined by the snake demon, which can be regarded as a part of the snake demon. Their lives are linked, and they can’t live alone if the snake demon dies.
"What a pity!"
Enlightenment red head out a face of regret looking at those ghosts and said
"Don’t worry, you can eat!"
Yu Guihai smiled and walked beside the snake demon. Now the giant snake finally shows its face.

A young man in his thirties in the north seat shook his head and replied, "You can’t do that, brother."

"What’s the matter?" Middle-aged question
"I’m not stupid, either." The young man frowned and said, "Was my family taken to Songjiang before work?"
Everyone smells silence.
Qin Yu took the words and said to the old cat, "I have nothing to do with Qi Lin for the time being."
Chapter DiWuLiuWu Big Three partnership for the first time
The second floor of the main building
"Why are you so cold?" The burly man said with bare arms, "He’s going to take your family as a hostage, and you’ll be finished. Did you really let your family go to Songjiang?"
Han smiled and looked at the strong man. "I’m Xiaoxing. He already knows me. Do you think I can lie to him?"
Everyone smells.
"Half of us have learned that if it weren’t for Xiaoxing and me, this job wouldn’t reach us." Cold said with food, "What’s more, with this job, we can walk around frequently, and maybe let them transport our brothers back to Songjiang with money someday."
"That’s right." A young man nodded and chimed in. "Xiaoxing’s background is quite hard. Songjiang is the most powerful and too party."
"Mom, I’m really unwilling to hand over half the meat in my mouth." The strong man raised his glass and took a sip of white wine.
"Money can be earned at any time, but there are not many opportunities to pay people." Cold raised his glass and raised his head. "Come and let’s go! After drinking this one point two seedlings, call Xiaoyuan and ask him how things are going. "
"proper!" Next to just echo youth immediately nodded his head.
Two cars are speeding outside the area.
The driver turned his head and glanced at Wu Tianyin. "Are you sure?"
"An Zai said there would be no mistake," Wu Tianyin responded lightly.
The driver nodded. "Is it enough for two cars?"
"That’s enough"
JiLin words short response.
The driver looked down at the navigation map outside the area and whispered, "It’s almost there."
Qin Yu bowed his head and pulled a bolt. His eyes were gloomy and he said nothing.
Ten minutes later.
Two cars with flying snowflakes rushed to the gate of the compound at a very fast speed. The driver looked up at the iron gate and shouted directly, "Sit tight!"
"Weng! !”
The motor surged forward and the xiangtou car ran directly against the iron gate of the compound.

Wu Daozun entered this ant nest through a secret passage to hunt them down. It seems that the hellhound was restricted or afraid to set foot here.

And there are no traces of hell ants in the hellhound.
This is a bit strange.
Will there be such a dividing line in A Bi Hell?
Wu Daozun looked back at the fading hell ant colony frowning slightly in the tunnel.
By rights, they should not have left the nest.
Because they are in the ant nest of this hall, many architectural styles are similar.
What’s more, the emperor of Papman fell here in those days, which means that this place also belongs to the territory of hell ants.
But these hell ants have all gone back before?
Just then, I saw Sirius look different next to me and walked slowly towards the front, showing deep sorrow in my eyes.
The hall is dimly lit, and not far ahead, you can vaguely see a figure with cross legs, while there seems to be a sharp knife flashing cold light in the black rock in front of you.
Look at Sirius and you can infer that this figure is the Emperor of Papman!
Wu Daozun’s temporary trust in confusion also goes towards the remains of Papman Emperor.
When you get closer, Wu Daozun can see more clearly.
Emperor Papman wore a tattered robe and hung his head with long hair over his face.
"Not the kui is a strong emperor"
Wu Daozun sighed in his heart.
After so many years, the long hair of Emperor Papman is still intact!
This body looks quite thin and scrawny, which should be because those hell ants have eaten all the flesh and blood of Emperor Papman.
It’s the emperor’s strong bones that may not even bite the ant colony in hell that will leave this complete corpse.
"Old master, I came back to see you."
Sirius looks sad and prone on the ground and whimpers lightly.
He was the Lord of the Seven Emotions, and later he was replaced by the emotional root method that the spirit in the Moro mask always followed the emperor of Papman.
Wu Daozun thought that the Emperor of Papman was besieged by more than 20 emperors and entered Abi hell, and he was so sad that he felt sad.
"Excuse me, senior."
Wu Daozun bowed to the remains of Papman Emperor.
"Where is the Buddhist sutra?"
Wu Daozun turned a circle around the remains of Emperor Papman and didn’t see any traces of the bag. He couldn’t help frowning and asked.
"I don’t know."
Sirius shook his head slightly.
Wu Daozun’s eyes rested on the sword that was inserted in the ground not far away in front of Papman Emperor Jun.


Practicing Su Mo in his own dragon cave naturally doesn’t know that he came to the dragon for more than a month and inexplicably became an enemy of life and death!
And he has never met!
Or even if he knew, he wouldn’t care
At this time, Su Mo has been completely immersed in Yang Shen!
When he really learned the dragon script, he went to watch the practice of barren spells and the secret art of Yuan God again to truly understand the secret meaning of this spell!
I really feel the horror of Yang Shen!
The original barren spell was released in Su Mo’s hands, and his center was huge like a swamp.
In this mire, all creatures will suffer from barren spell erosion!
Now, in the palm of Su Mo’s hand, a mass of gray fog emerges, and the rolling changes exude a strange smell.
There seems to be a mystery of heaven and earth in this fog!
This is barren and changeable at will!
In the past, even at the center of desolation, the reduction of Shou Yuan was a one-hundred-year interest.
If Shou Yuan cuts even more slowly on the edge of desolation, it will be minimal.
Now in the palm of Su Mo’s hand, if there are creatures in contact with this fog, the speed of Shou Yuan will be reduced in five hundred years!
After realizing the ridiculous meaning, it is more than five times more powerful than before!
This is a qualitative leap!
Five thousand years back in Shou Yuan.
A breath of 500 years means that even the Taoist priest who has returned to Shou Yuan for 5,000 years can’t survive ten breaths in the wilderness!
Su Mo waved his hand and the fog dissipated.
Understand the barren power of dragon characters or the second?
The real harvest is the essence of Yang Shen’s article-Yuan Shen’s mysticism!
Chapter one thousand and fifteen Once and for all
Half a year later
Candle dragon Habitat of Longgu Valley
In a dark and warm cave, two lights suddenly lit up like two burning flames!
In these two flames, the outline of a figure is gradually clear. It is Su Mo who has been closed for half a year!
Seeing that he breathed a sigh of relief, the flames condensed in his eyes gradually converged and finally melted into the whole abode of fairies and immortals, and the darkness was restored again.
He has gained a lot in the past six months!
It’s not only the barren spell and the mysticism of Yuan God, but even his Candle dragon eyes have changed.
There was a candle in his right eye.
After half a year’s practice, this candle stone has disappeared!
In his right eye, to be exact.
Whether it is the candle shining on the sword array or Candle dragon’s eyes, the occult arts are realized through the candle shining on the stone.