
1. **增强免疫力**:紫豆含有皂苷、尿毒酶和多种球蛋白等独特成分,能够提高人体免疫力,增强抗病能力。

2. **激活淋巴T细胞**:紫豆中的某些成分能够激活淋巴T细胞,这对于维护免疫系统健康至关重要。

3. **促进DNA合成**:紫豆中的成分有助于促进脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的合成,对细胞的正常分裂和生长有积极作用。

4. **抑制肿瘤细胞**:研究表明,紫豆中的某些成分对肿瘤细胞的发展有抑制作用,因此受到医学界的重视。

5. **丰富的微量元素**:紫豆中含有丰富的锌、铜、镁、钼、硒等微量元素,这些微量元素对延缓人体衰老、降低血液粘稠度等有重要作用。

6. **活血利水**:紫豆具有活血、利水、祛风、清热解毒、滋养健血的功效,有助于改善血液循环和身体水分平衡。


7. **滋养肌肤**:紫豆中含有的某些成分有助于改善肌肤状况,具有润肤养颜的功效。

8. **健康饮食**:紫豆可以作为健康饮食的一部分,与多种食材搭配,如鸡肉、冬瓜等,既美味又健康。

9. **促进消化**:紫豆富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化系统功能。

10. **减肥辅助**:紫豆热量较低,富含膳食纤维,有助于增加饱腹感,对于减肥和控制体重有一定的辅助作用。




### 营养价值
1. **维生素C**:丑柑的维生素C含量较高,每100克丑柑的维生素C含量约为50毫克,远超其他同类水果。
2. **其他维生素和矿物质**:丑柑还含有维生素B2、烟酸、膳食纤维、橘皮苷、柠檬酸、苹果酸,以及钙、磷、铁等微量元素。
3. **胡萝卜素**:丑柑中的胡萝卜素含量丰富,有助于视力和皮肤健康。

### 功效与作用
1. **美容养颜**:丑柑中的维生素C能抗氧化,清除自由基,抑制黑色素形成,保持皮肤细嫩光滑。
2. **润肠通便**:丑柑富含膳食纤维,能促进肠道运动,改善排便困难。
3. **生津止渴**:丑柑含水量高,有机酸等酸性成分能促进唾液分泌,缓解口干舌燥。
4. **促进消化**:丑柑中的果酸能促进胃酸分泌,加速食物消化与吸收,预防消化不良。
5. **预防细胞癌变**:丑柑中的维生素C和胡萝卜素能降低癌症病毒的活性,减少癌细胞病变的几率。
6. **调节情绪**:丑柑散发出的芳香气味能减轻心理压力,调解情绪。


7. **减轻疲劳**:丑柑中的维生素C和蛋白质等营养成分能增加细胞活性,缓解身体疲劳。
8. **化痰理气**:丑柑性凉,对脾胃气滞、胸腹胀闷、肺热咳嗽等症状有缓解作用。
9. **止呕**:丑柑的果皮具有清甜香味,能抑制胃肠道平滑肌运动,对恶心、肠胃不适有止呕作用。
10. **消食**:丑柑具有消食下气、去油腻的功效,适宜饭后食用,对消化不良有效。

### 适宜人群

### 食用禁忌


1. 丑柑不可与白萝卜同时食用,以免影响甲状腺功能。
2. 丑柑不宜与牛奶同食,以免蛋白质凝固影响消化吸收。



1. **营养均衡**:青菜是维生素和矿物质的重要来源,尤其是维生素C、维生素A、钙、铁等。成年人每天食用约500克青菜,可以满足人体对多种维生素和矿物质的需求,有助于增强机体免疫能力。

2. **降低血脂**:青菜中的膳食纤维可以与胆酸盐和食物中的胆固醇及甘油三酯结合,并从粪便中排出,从而减少脂类的吸收,有助于降低血脂。

3. **保持血管弹性**:青菜中含有大量粗纤维,进入人体后与脂肪结合,有助于防止血浆胆固醇形成,减少动脉粥样硬化的形成,从而保持血管弹性。

4. **解毒消肿**:青菜中的植物激素能增加酶的形成,对进入人体内的致癌物质有吸附排斥作用,具有防癌功能。同时,青菜还能增强肝脏的排毒机制,对皮肤疮疖、乳痈有治疗作用。


5. **宽肠通便**:青菜中的植物纤维素能促进肠道蠕动,增加粪便体积,缩短粪便在肠腔的停留时间,有助于治疗便秘,预防肠道肿瘤。


6. **润泽皮肤,延缓衰老**:青菜中含有大量胡萝卜素和维生素C,进入人体后可促进皮肤细胞代谢,防止皮肤粗糙及色素沉着,使皮肤亮洁,有助于延缓衰老。

7. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:青菜中的维生素C、维生素E等具有抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,防止细胞损伤,延缓衰老。

8. **预防心脑血管疾病**:青菜中含有的胡萝卜素和其它元素可以降低血压,从而保护心脑血管系统,预防心脑血管疾病。



1. **健脾养胃**:焦米茶能帮助改善脾胃功能,对于消化不良、食欲不振等情况有缓解作用。

2. **补血益气**:它有助于补充身体所需的能量,对体虚、面色苍白等有辅助改善效果。

3. **生津止渴**:在干燥或炎热天气中,焦米茶能帮助补充体液,缓解口渴。

4. **促进新陈代谢**:焦米茶中的营养成分能加速体内代谢,有助于身体排毒。

5. **减肥瘦身**:由于其低热量和丰富的营养,焦米茶可以作为减肥期间的辅助饮品。

6. **祛湿防溃疡**:焦米茶有良好的祛湿作用,能帮助预防湿疹、皮炎等皮肤问题,同时有助于防治口腔溃疡。

7. **调节内分泌**:焦米茶有助于调节内分泌系统,对于内分泌失调引起的症状有一定的改善作用。

8. **增强免疫力**:它富含维生素C、B6和B2等,有助于增强人体的免疫力。

9. **缓解神经兴奋**:焦米茶可以减轻精神压力,有助于改善失眠、多梦、健忘等症状。

10. **降低血脂和血压**:焦米茶被认为有助于降低血脂和血压,对预防心血管疾病有积极作用。

11. **预防疾病**:焦米茶中的活性炭成分有助于吸收肠黏膜上的有害物质,预防疾病。

12. **止泻作用**:对于腹泻等消化系统问题,焦米茶有一定的止泻效果。




1. **调节免疫系统功能**:虫草花可以增强人体免疫力,对于免疫系统功能低下的人群,食用虫草花后能够改善免疫功能,维持人体免疫系统的稳定。

2. **心脏保护**:虫草花能提高心脏的耐缺氧能力,降低心脏对氧气的消耗,有助于心脏健康。

3. **延年益寿与抗衰老**:虫草花含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、微量元素和维生素等营养成分,具有抗衰老的作用。

4. **滋补肝肾、补精髓**:虫草花具有滋补肝肾、补精髓的功效,对腰膝酸软、久咳虚喘等症有一定的疗效。

5. **辅助治疗恶性肿瘤**:虫草花中的虫草素对鼻、咽癌细胞有强抑制作用,对恶性肿瘤有一定的辅助治疗效果。


6. **降低血糖与尿糖**:虫草花对糖尿病患者有明显的疗效,能够降低血糖和尿糖。

7. **调节血脂**:虫草花有助于降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯,预防动脉硬化。

8. **抗菌与抗炎**:虫草花具有一定的抗菌和抗炎作用,可以改善肝脏组织结构,对抗肝脏的纤维化,保护肝细胞。


9. **改善睡眠**:虫草花能改善睡眠质量,对于失眠有一定的缓解作用。

10. **镇静与降血压**:虫草花具有镇静作用,同时还能降低血压。


– 避免长时间清洗,以免真菌孢子粉流失。
– 炖汤时间不宜过长,一般不超过2小时。



1. **活血化瘀**:红花具有活血化瘀的功效,能够改善血液循环,促进局部血液循环,有助于消除因血液循环不畅引起的各种症状。

2. **缓解疼痛**:红醋泡红花可以用于缓解肌肉疼痛、关节疼痛等症状。红醋具有渗透性,能够帮助红花的有效成分更好地渗透到皮肤和肌肉中,从而起到缓解疼痛的作用。


3. **促进伤口愈合**:红花中的有效成分能够促进局部血液循环,增加组织的氧气供应,有助于伤口的愈合。

4. **改善睡眠质量**:红醋泡红花对于改善睡眠质量有一定的帮助,因为红花能够活血化瘀,缓解因血液循环不畅引起的失眠症状。

5. **美容养颜**:红醋泡红花也被认为具有一定的美容养颜作用,因为它可以促进血液循环,改善皮肤的营养状况。



– 准备50克左右的红花和适量的红醋。
– 将红花放入纱布袋中,并扎紧袋口。
– 在锅中加入适量的水,放入红花袋,用大火煮开后转小火煮5至10分钟。
– 取出红花袋,将药汁倒入盆中,加入适量的红醋。
– 将盆中的水温调整至40至50摄氏度,然后泡脚30分钟左右。
– 每次泡脚后,可以适当按摩脚部,以促进红花和红醋的有效成分更好地吸收。



This is indeed pure death water, which is full of extreme death breath with a hint of palm power.

After drinking this water, it is absolutely rare to be able to live in the palm of your hand.
But Yu Guihai is not afraid of his strength, which has reached the level of palm territory. This is just the harm of death.
He picked up the jet lamp and gulped it down, then turned to the gate of Shidian with the floating ring.
Just walked straight in and disappeared into the door in an instant!
Chapter 122 Channel, Monster, Gudan, Life, True Blood
The breath of death churns in the belly, and if it is released, it can kill one world.
However, a white tide came in from all directions and immediately dispersed and diluted the rich black water, and soon it was never seen again.
A series of emerald brilliance gushed from the ring with waves.
That ring is like connecting some life, and it seems to be full of vitality.
This kind of vitality is a good thing, and it is not a problem to let the dying old man return to his prime and work hard for a hundred years.
However, it is not a good thing once there are too many good things. This powerful vitality is as vast as the sea, and even if it is powerful, life will be assimilated and integrated into this vitality trend and completely fall.
However, the earth is easier than the flesh to resist the erosion of this huge vitality, and it enters the body along the virtual channel. At the end of the body, there is no margin. The terror of the Wang Yang sea is condensed into a heavy white liquid and rolled endlessly
The tide of vitality flows into it, just like a river flowing into the sea, and soon disappears into it completely.
Yu Guihai walked gently into the sea. Without any waves, he was swallowed up by the terrorist Daoyuan and digested into his life and death avenue to grow nutrients.
He is in a place where he can’t see the exit passage, and the walls are dark, so he can’t see the same stone walls on the left and right. He has tried that there is no concept of gravity here, and he can walk on either stone wall at will.
If you can’t see three meters ahead, it’s dark, and you can’t see anything. It seems that he walked over to the front channel to form a general.
From the outside, the stone hall is small, but it has such a long passage, which has a kind of abstruse prohibition
This kind of prohibition can’t be seen through for the time being. It’s not an ordinary sumeru means, but a more advanced method, and there should be powerful illusion integrated into it
Makes Yu Guihai have to sigh that the means here are really extraordinary.
Yu Guihai walked for a long time and I don’t know how far he walked. Suddenly a monster appeared in front of him.
This is a strange monster whose body is like a ball, and there are several golden spikes around it, which keep expanding and contracting, just like the radiant sun in a child’s painting.
Suddenly, the monster seems to have sensed something. The spikes in front reveal a face of Zhang Yuanyuan, eyes closed, and a breath of earth rises.
"What is this?"
Yu Gui’s strange look on the sea surface is really a little child’s play, but the breath is not weak, which exceeds the peak of the ordinary palm road. How can there be such a strange thing?
The monster suddenly opened his eyes and showed a pair of golden eyeballs. He looked at Yu Guihai with dribbling eyes and said, "Young and strong, this is the first assessment of Yin refining division. If you answer my question correctly, I will let you go."
"No need!"
Yu Guihai interrupted the monster lightly. He didn’t know whether the monster was the first in the assessment, but he knew that it was definitely not a good thing. He didn’t answer the question.
"Please listen to the question what …"
Monster slightly one leng and then some continued
"listen to a fart!"
Yu Guihai punched out as fast as thunder.
The monster caught off guard and was directly blasted in the middle of the face.
Snow ~ ~ ~
Monsters are directly blown up like balloons, and black gas bursts out of it. Yin cold is more horrible than the whole channel, and it is extremely cold.
No one thought that it looks like the sun outside, and there is such a thick yin in the east and west.
"Wow ~ ~ ~"
The monster didn’t die, and it was dark, and it formed a ferocious human form and let out a piercing cry.
Wailing is like magic sound pouring into the ear, which can pass through Daoyuan and physical protection and go straight into the sea of knowledge from all sides.
"What a noise!"
Yu Guihai impatiently held out his hand, and a white flame of terror spewed out, and in an instant a huge light array was formed, trapping black people in it.
Terrorist fire launched the black gas and then quickly disappeared.
To deal with this yin and cold force, we still have to move the extreme yang force.
Black gas humanoid croaked and burned, and a layer of light white ash spilled on the ground.
Yu Guihai reached out and grabbed all the white ashes and gathered into a ball and fell into his hand.
"What is this?"
Yu GUI’s sea surface is exposed to different colors
There is a small pile of this white ash that contains a strange power. Although I don’t know the way, he guessed that it should be a special spiritual material.
Yu Guihai observed it for a while, then took out a bottle, filled it and imprisoned it, and then put it away.
He checked around and found nothing unusual, so he moved on. The dark passage was still ahead.
After walking for a while, another monster appeared in front, but it was a crescent moon with a silver-gray lunar star very similar.
Gollum ~ ~ ~ There was a loud noise, and the monster exposed his five senses to form a shoehorn face.
"Young and strong, this is the second assessment of Yin refining division. If you answer my question right, I will let you go."
"Go to hell!"
Rumble ~ ~ ~
Yu Guihai smashed this monster with one punch, and it also turned into a rolling cold and black gas, and then it was burned into white ash by his extreme yang, and he bottled it up in another bottle.
Then he went all the way and met similar monsters. These monsters have little difference in strength, and I don’t know what’s the point of arranging them here.
After slaying the tenth monster, Yu Guihai didn’t meet the monster again, but came to a square room at the end of the passage.
The four walls of the room are the same as the dark stone walls. In the middle of the room, there is a stone platform with three things on it.

"disappointing! Bad for me! " Jade Duxiu blew the snake god away with one punch.

The snake god spouted blood. "Before Hong Jun controlled my golden body, I grabbed control and gave you the dharma tactic, but Hong Jun’s tactic was to accelerate the smelting of black lotus, but the root of it was not to avoid black lotus."
"bang!" The snake god was once again kicked by Yu Duxiu and took a look at the gourd doll. "Give me the snake god’s mouth."
At this time, the rabbit god’s eyes were scared with horror, and Jade Duxiu Nai sighed, "It’s almost done! What a pity! What a pity! I am too low! "
Chapter 233 Kind of Lotus Rabbit God
"The rabbit god! Are you going to fight back? Half of the black lotus has taken root in your immortal body. I have control over you. You’d better obediently follow me. "Jade Duxiu looked at the rabbit god.
Rabbit god teeth clenched suddenly spit out a mouthful of saliva "bah! You are just wishful thinking if you want to be an old minister. "
"The snake god! It’s very difficult for you to call me that, and it’s always bad for me at the key moment. "Jade Duxiu came to the snake god and looked into his eyes." I’m curious that nine head worm’s head doesn’t know if it’s really immortal for nine times. "
"Hung-chun! You bastard! You are worse than an animal! Have something you want to do for me to implicate your family? "The snake god heard that Jade Duxiu wanted to take a nine head worm knife, and his eyes were red. He rushed to the front of Jade Duxiu and clutched her skirt.
Jade Duxiu carries her hands softly. "And I’m curious. If you killed nine head worm yourself, you should wait for the wonderful nine head worm. It’s an expression."
"Don’t! Don’t! You bastard! How dare you! Worm God won’t give you a chance. "Snake God looked at Jade Duxiu coldly with a pair of eyes.
Jade Duxiu took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "No one can stop me from killing people! Insect god cares where to protect nine head worm sometimes. "
"Don’t! Hung-chun, if you are a real man, come at me if you have something to do. "
"How can I rush you if your ya is immortal?" Jade Duxiu turned over their eyes.
Speaking of which, Yu Duxiu looked at the snake god. "You broke my plan. Tell me now that it’s time to tell the rabbit god to blend the remaining black lotus into his own body."
The "Rabbit God" snake god loosened the jade and suddenly came to the front of the rabbit god. "Rabbit God! Just melt the black lotus. Although the black lotus is bound, it is not a kind of protection for you. You are backed by the lunar fairy. Hongjun will never dare to do anything to you. I beg you, nine head worm is my only heir. I can never lose my blood. "
Looking at the incredible color flashing in the eyes of the snake god rabbit god, "Are you stupid? You are a strong man. How can you bow to Hongjun?"
After that, the rabbit god closed his eyes. "If you want to kill or cut, you can’t want me to blend into the black lotus."
"The rabbit god! You really won’t? " The snake god’s eyes contracted and became cold. "This world is full of you rabbits. What do you think would happen if I swallowed the world in one gulp?"
"You mean" Rabbit God stared at the snake god with a pair of eyes.
The snake god smiled bitterly. "No choice!"
"If you swallow this race, I’ll get out of trouble in the future and create a race again." Rabbit God disdained.
Looking at the rabbit god, the oil and salt don’t enter the snake god, and suddenly he is anxious. "Rabbit God! I’m begging you. I’ve never asked anyone in my generation. You can’t resist this black lotus and you have to take root. After all, one day you will become one, so it’s better if you take the initiative to integrate and protect my son’s life. "
While Yu Duxiu looked at the crazy snake god and sighed gently, it was really unexpected that the cold-blooded snake god cared so much for his heirs.
"Come on! I have a way to concoct this rabbit essence. In the eyes of Jade Duxiu, the jade disc flickers like a knife, and the palm of your hand stretches out a glittering and translucent branch and jerks it at the rabbit god.
As soon as I smoked the rabbit god, it showed its true shape. It was actually a jade rabbit with two eyes like rubies.
Once again, the branch went out to see the jade rabbit’s body was scattered, and her resistance was actually dissipating instantly.
Seeing Jade Duxiu raise the branches of Jade Rabbit for the third time, she said with fear, "Don’t! My minister! I am a minister! "
The "innate god beast" snake god looked stunned.
Jade Duxiu looked at the branches of the innate rhyme in his hand and sighed gently. There is no doubt that there is something wrong with this congenital laurel congenital jade rabbit. At this time, this conjecture was confirmed by Jade Duxiu.
Hit the jade rabbit with a whip and show your true colors.
Two whips to beat the jade rabbit is really scattered
What are the consequences of this third whip? Jade Duxiu is very curious.
Looking at Jade Rabbit and Jade Duxiu, she said, "Melt the black lotus."
Jade Rabbit stared at Jade Duxiu intensely, closed her eyes and accepted her fate. Generally, the black lotus was integrated into one.
Yu Duxiu sighed gently, "When the lunar calendar treated you well, you betrayed the lunar calendar and stood by while the lunar calendar proved robbery?"
Jade Duxiu danced a congenital laurel branch. "When I saw you, I was still confused. Now it seems that I have found the answer. No one wants his natural enemy nemesis to live in the world, even if it is the closest person to him."
Huluwa let go of the jade rabbit at this time, and saw that the hair of the jade rabbit was still bright and the moonlight was shining with leisure color.

Mottled blood stains can be seen everywhere. There are dried blood on the bodies lying on the ground. Those bodies are not infected by plant species. Mo Qingqing can’t see any signs that they were killed by something. She feels that these people were killed.

The wind suddenly saw Mo Qingqing staring at these bodies in shock, thinking of Mo Qingqing’s lack of alertness to people, and said to Mo Qingqing, "The environment has changed, and we may be killed by these animals and plants that don’t know where they came from, and it is very likely that we will be killed by our own kind for various reasons. Materials, food and even women will become the objects of contention."
MoQingQing Whitestorm pour meaning she silently to look back from the body to the wind pour.
The wind kept looking around for something that could be found.
There is no water in the faucet in the shopping mall, and the food in the restaurant area and the cold drink shop has been swept away. All the quilts and blankets in the area where sheets and bedding are sold have been removed, and some pillowcases, towels and handkerchiefs, knives, photographic equipment, protective equipment, tents and other things that they can think of in the sports shop have been taken away.
The wind went to the stairs to find the fire hydrant, and found that all the fire axes were gone. There were two bodies lying next to one of the fire hydrants who were hacked to death by axes.
Mo Qingqing remembered that there was a heavy traffic jam on the day of the disaster, and many people were stuck in the road and couldn’t go back. She estimated that many people were trapped in the shopping mall because there were too many people, and the food was cold at night, so there was a robbery and some people paid their lives.
The two men searched the shopping mall for a circle, but they didn’t find any supplies and didn’t see too many bodies. Obviously, all the people trapped in the shopping mall evacuated, and they took all their belongings with them when they evacuated.
Mo Qingqing asked, "Why don’t we go to the underground parking lot?"
The wind inclined but hesitated and thought it was feasible and nodded his head.
They went to the parking lot on the first floor of the basement. When they stepped into the parking lot, they saw broken glass everywhere. Almost all the cars in the parking lot were smashed, and many car trunks were smashed. Garbage and sundries, supermarket shopping bags and food packaging bags were everywhere. You can see urine everywhere in the corner.
Mo Qingqing’s wind makes them glance at each other, which is very obvious. They can think of the car in the parking lot, and others can also think that it is much warmer to hide in the car in the parking lot than to hide outside.
The wind suddenly inspected the load-bearing walls and columns carefully to make sure there was no danger of collapse. He said to Mo Qingqing, "This place should be for the time being. Let’s find a car to sleep."
The wind inclined but with MoQingQing found a car near the corridor, less conspicuous corner car to sleep.
The wind is inclined to discuss and MoQingQing take turns to keep watch, but MoQingQing yawns when she lies on the back of the car seat, so she swallows her words back.
She looked at it and quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep. Mo Qingqing was very sad when she remembered what happened these days.
She really didn’t expect to live again.
She was infected, and her girlfriend couldn’t take her away. She left her outside to die.
Being infected, suffering, abandoned, desperate and eager for life, those days of suffering alone were like a horrible nightmare.
If she couldn’t make it, she would die. Mo Qingqing appeared and saved her life.
Just now, when they were running for their lives, she was exhausted and couldn’t run. Mo Qingqing ran without thinking. She saw Mo Qingqing’s reaction. Obviously, she didn’t think about throwing her. Not only can she run faster, but she can also be used as bait to get more chances to escape. Mo Qingqing gave her most of the meat that she risked her life without considering what to do with a meal. From Mo Qingqing’s attitude, she knew that Mo Qingqing’s idea was that God knows whether they can live to eat when they have a meal.
The wind tilted the headlights and hand barrels silently in the car seat.
It was dark and silent all around.
Suddenly, a deafening animal roar accompanied by the sound of dense trampling on the car and the impact sounded, which woke up the stroke in sleep and Mo Qingqing.
Two people sat up at the same time.
Mo Qingqing opened his eyes in horror and saw nothing in front of him. In the darkness, it seemed that many animals were stepping on cars and bumping into each other in the underground garage, making a series of noises.
Another deafening roar sounded
Mo Qingqing turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound. She saw a light in the distance, which seemed to be the entrance and exit of the garage. She listened to the sound, and it seemed that there were large beasts hunting those prey and fled into the garage. The beast was too big to get in and was stopped outside the garage.
Mo Qingqing thought, "I don’t know if these beasts who fled for their lives eat people?" She thought it was too possible for these wild animals to eat people. This idea made her shrink tight and slowly hide in the car seat. Just when she was halfway into the drill, she saw the wind suddenly hit the high beam of the car and pressed a series of harsh sounds on the car horn, scaring the wild animals that were rushing towards them to turn around and run away in the other direction.
The wind inclined to MoQingQing called "Xiao Mo Go" and carried out the mountaineering bag in the back seat and ran quickly towards the corridor next to it.
Two people in tandem into the corridor MoQingQing fire door quickly.
The wind tilted but thugs barrel photo handed the mountaineering bag back to MoQingQing two people along the corridor to the first floor, the wind tilted but just pulled the fire door and heard wild animals fighting in the lobby roar.
They held their breath in an instant and dared not breathe.

King Kong Gun nodded and agreed to turn around and ran out again, followed by an angry yazi.

After the yazi ran past the boulder where I was hiding, I came out from behind the stone, grabbed a rifle and loaded the last bullet, found a convenient shooting position and waited for the King Kong cannon to lead the yazi back.
A moment later, the King Kong cannon dragged its axe back and the yazi was gone.
"Where did it go?" I asked doubtfully that I had placed the bomb to choose the shooting position and didn’t pay attention to their actions.
"Go home for dinner." King Kong Cannon pointed to the freshwater lake in the island. Yu Lang has not disappeared yet, and its breath is fading. I wonder if it has dived into the water.
"There is no living thing in this freshwater lake. What kind of food does it eat?" I shook my head and said
"I have no sense of humor. Give me the cigarette." King Kong Bao reached out and asked me for a cigarette.
I took out my cigarette and handed it to the king kong cannon. I turned to wonder and stared at the freshwater lake on the island.
"Did this guy run away?" King kong cannon cigarette mouth asked.
"No, it hasn’t taken revenge yet." I shook my head and said that if this yazi wanted to run, it would have run for a long time and wouldn’t linger until now.
"Then what did you say it did?" King kong cannon urged.
"We’ll know soon." I stared at the middle of the lake.
"What do you mean?"
"It’s floating again …"
Chapter 446 Tie Niu Dafa
The yazi soon surfaced and rushed at Fang.
"What did this guy do these days?" King Kong cannon threw away cigarettes and picked up the axe.
"I don’t know," I said with a frown. As the yazi approached, I could clearly see its head wound and the long wire rope dragging behind it.
"Then what did it do in the water?" King kong cannon frown asked.
"I didn’t know I might have drunk water." I quickly walked to the edge of the ramp, raised my rifle and aimed at Fang quickly and quickly.
After aiming, I decided to shoot decisively. The shooting result made me regret that I didn’t choose a gun unit!
"Old in the dawn, think of something. You can’t dawdle." King Kong cannon turned to look east in his busy schedule
"Can’t let it come!" I threw away my rifle, moved my hand over a boulder, slammed it, raised the dragon horn, smashed the boulder, stumbled and almost fell.
Seeing that my blow worked, King Kong Bao rushed over to help the two of them use the mountain-moving tactic together to move the stones on the top of the slope one by one and throw them at me. The body was stunned by the left and right flashes of the slope.
"Old to come and help this piece will definitely kill it." King Kong cannon pointed to a square boulder not far away.
"We can’t move." I shook my head and said that this huge stone is more than twenty meters long, five steps high and nearly ten meters in weight, which is far beyond the limit of our mountain-moving tactic. "Then I’ll cut a hole for it." King Kong cannon rushed past the huge stone with a mountain axe.
"What are you doing?" I moved two stones from my left and right bows and smashed them at the square. The beast was angry after all, knowing how to rush from one side and not knowing how to detour.
"Look, I’ll show you a way to tie a cow." The King Kong cannon gas-coagulated his arms and slashed the axe, and instantly the stone pieces splashed with powder.
"The wire rope is too thick to tie a knot," I frowned and shouted.
"Don’t forget where I came from." King Kong Gun took the opportunity to show off the professional skills of his engineering unit.
Although I doubt the idea of the king kong gun, I still swing the stone from side to side to stop it. When I fight for it, it is not only huge but also quick-witted. I don’t want to fight with it unless I have to.
King Kong cannon axe in his reiki course soon clear the boulder, this guy has a natural fierce strength yelling force without stopping.
"Well," the King Kong cannon cut the boulder from the left and right sides, and finally cut the boulder to wear.
"If it’s not good, I should throw sand." At this moment, the stones on the top of the slope have been thrown away, and I have come to the top of the slope. I am full of energy, and my golden hair roars upwards to vent my anger. During its roaring demonstration, I quickly consider in my mind how to make it stay around the boulder for more than a certain period of time, and then I pull out my lieutenant and rush straight to the other side. There is a dragon horn stretched out at the head.
After the blow, I pulled away. Although the sword castrated quickly, it was not strong, so it didn’t do any real harm to the enemy. However, my purpose was not to defeat the enemy with a blow, but to provoke it to come at me to distract me. The so-called King Kong cannon tied the ox to gain time.
When the yazi was provoked by me, he suddenly flew into a rage, raised his head and threw his horn at me. I took a deep breath and put my sword into the sheath. At this time, I couldn’t back down, because my current position was calculated. The length of the steel wire rope was 120 meters, and it was necessary to go ten meters to bundle the boulder. In addition, I should try my best not to find out the intention of the vazi. Therefore, I chose a position about 70 meters away from the boulder, which is an ideal distance.
If I want to keep this distance, I have to delay the yazi here. Angry and cruel, I naturally don’t care about both sides, and I don’t want to burn everything with it. Therefore, I can confuse Ziyang with the magical formula of the thirteen strategies of defending the air and make it unable to find my position.